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140CRP93200 前端适配器模块 冗余电缆的连接器

140CRP93200 前端适配器模块 冗余电缆的连接器 【产品详情】 Modicon 140CRP93200 是冗余 RIO 插射适配器解决方案。想象一下,当您的系统出现意外中断时,此模块可以为您提供额外的保护。这些敏感过程需要 Modicon 140CRP93200 可以为您带来的保护。






140CRP93200 前端适配器模块 冗余电缆的连接器





Modicon 140CRP93200 是冗余 RIO 插射适配器解决方案。想象一下,当您的系统出现意外中断时,此模块可以为您提供额外的保护。这些敏感过程需要 Modicon 140CRP93200 可以为您带来的保护。它为您提供了保证,确保您的网络在发生故障时保持最佳运行状态,而不会错过任何一个节拍。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的I / O模块,如Modicon和ABB。


带冗余电缆的 RIO 拓扑:当系统上的每个 I/O 断开时,需要 MA0185100 T 连接器。原因是您必须将跌落与干线电缆电气隔离。这样,您的系统就可以获得保护,防止阻抗不匹配以及电缆断开。您必须在每次 I/O 丢弃和中继电缆之间保持 14 分贝的最小信号强度。当中继电缆穿过 T 型连接器时,信号损失为 1 分贝。您可以从 RIO CPU 的头部总共提供 35 分贝。整个电缆架构不允许超过该限制。

用作独立设备的光纤中继器:光纤中继器模块格式为 Quantum,因此它可以用作独立设备,在具有三个插槽的机架中具有单个电源。例如,当您更换与中继器完全兼容的中继器时。您可以将它们直接合并到昆腾机架中。这将为您提供更紧凑的冗余电源配置。


带有Unity Pro软件的热备用系统:有些系统的要求甚至比典型应用程序更高。在这些情况下,出错的余地更小,并且不能容忍过程中断。这个系统是什么样的?它将有两个 PLC 机架,一个主机架和一个备用机架;两者将具有相同的硬件配置。主节点将实现应用程序并控制 I/O,第二个节点(备用数据库)保留在后台,以预测可能发生的任何故障。如果主备系统发生故障,辅助备用系统将自动接通并完成应用程序并控制 I/O。这是一个透明的过程,因为转换不会在输出中出现故障。这可以提高您的生产率,因为它最大限度地减少了您的过程停机时间。

如何使用 140CRP93200

基于远程I/O(RIO)架构的热备系统:对于敏感进程,有基于远程I/O架构的热备系统。它要求 I/O 控制接管时间与 PLC 扫描时间同时发生,以便当 RIO 丢弃时与 PLC 的 CPU 扫描时间同步。这样,CPU 转换就可以顺利进行,而不会中断输出。


140CRP93200 前端适配器模块 冗余电缆的连接器





The Modicon 140CRP93200 is a redundant RIO plug-in adapter solution. Imagine that this module can provide you with additional protection in the event of an unexpected outage on your system. These sensitive processes require the protection that Modicon 140CRP93200 can bring you. It gives you the assurance that your network will be operating optimally in the event of a failure without missing a beat. Manufactured in France, these products are designed for material handling, packaging and textile machinery use. They come with a 2-year warranty on MRO Electric. We also offer I/O modules from other manufacturers such as Modicon and ABB.


RIO topology with redundant cables: MA0185100 T connectors are required when every I/O on the system is disconnected. The reason is that you must electrically isolate the drop from the main cable. This way, your system is protected against impedance mismatches and cable disconnections. You must maintain a minimum signal strength of 14 decibels between each I/O drop and the trunk cable. When the relay cable passes through the T-connector, the signal loss is 1 dB. You can deliver a total of 35 dB from the head of the RIO CPU. The entire cable architecture is not allowed to exceed this limit.

Fiber repeater used as a standalone device: The fiber repeater module is in the Quantum format, so it can be used as a standalone device with a single power supply in a rack with three slots. For example, when you replace a repeater that is fully compatible with the repeater. You can incorporate them directly into the Quinten rack. This will give you a more compact and redundant power supply configuration.


Hot standby systems with Unity Pro software: Some systems are even more demanding than typical applications. In these cases, the margin for error is smaller and process disruptions cannot be tolerated. What does the system look like? It will have two PLC racks, a host rack and a spare rack; Both will have the same hardware configuration. The primary node will implement the application and control I/O, while the second node (the standby database) remains in the background to anticipate any failures that may occur. If the primary/secondary system fails, the secondary standby system automatically connects and completes the application and controls I/O. This is a transparent process because the conversion does not fail in the output. This can increase your productivity as it minimizes your process downtime.

How to use 140CRP93200

Remote I/O (RIO) based hot spare system: For sensitive processes, there are remote I/O based hot spare systems. It requires that the I/O control takeover time occur at the same time as the PLC scan time so that when the RIO is discarded it synchronizes with the PLC's CPU scan time. This way, CPU conversion can proceed smoothly without interrupting the output.


140CRP93200 前端适配器模块 冗余电缆的连接器






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标签: 140CRP93200







采购:140CRP93200 前端适配器模块 冗余电缆的连接器