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140CPU65150 UNITY 处理器

140CPU65150 UNITY 处理器 【产品详情】 140CPU65150是施耐德电气Modicon Quantum系列中的Unity处理器。它是处理器模块系列中较新的型号之一。它将PLC的标准功能和Web服务器的诊断可能性结合在一起。它使用 RJ-45 连接进行通信。该模块采用双宽标准昆腾外壳,在昆腾机架中需要两个连续插槽。由于其 Web 服务器功能仅是诊断性的,因此必须使用该软件来配置






140CPU65150 UNITY 处理器 





140CPU65150是施耐德电气Modicon Quantum系列中的Unity处理器。它是处理器模块系列中较新的型号之一。它将PLC的标准功能和Web服务器的诊断可能性结合在一起。它使用 RJ-45 连接进行通信。该模块采用双宽标准昆腾外壳,在昆腾机架中需要两个连续插槽。由于其 Web 服务器功能仅是诊断性的,因此必须使用该软件来配置其服务。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的CPU,如Modicon和ABB。


它的时钟频率为166 Mhz,并具有两个本地机架。它有 63 个分布式 I/O 站、1 个机架和 3 个分布式网络。它在分布式网络中具有 8000 个离散输入和离散输出,在远程系统中具有 31744 个离散输入和输入。就特定应用的I/O而言,它可以用于时间戳、计数器、高速中断输入和串行链路。

6CPU140 可使用 65150 个可选模块。其中包括Ethernet,Modbus,Modbus Plus,Profibus DP和Sy / Max。在本地 AS 接口中,模块具有无限的最大连接数。它还具有4种集成连接类型 - 以太网TCP / IP,Modbus,Modbus Plus和USB。它具有可扩展的8 MB文件存储,7168 kB或可扩展编程以及768 kB的RAM。140CPU65150使用按键开关内存端口实现开/关功能。

140CPU65150 的数据速率为 10/100 Mbps。对于介质,用户应使用屏蔽双绞线电缆。该模块具有许多服务,包括标准Web服务,Modbus TCP消息传递,I / O扫描服务,全局数据,FDR客户端,SNMP管理和SMTP服务(电子邮件)。它仅与Unity Pro软件兼容。


施耐德电气 140CPU65150 量子 CPU 模块有一个镜头盖,可为内部的三个项目提供保护。钥匙开关、电池和重置按钮位于镜头盖内。向上滑动镜头盖可打开。

它有一个带有两行和 16 个字符的标准 LCD。对比度和背光状态可调。一旦键盘驱动程序检测到按键,背光就会变为活动状态。当钥匙开关级发生变化或LCD上显示错误消息时,背光灯也会变为活动状态。处于非活动状态 5 分钟后,背光灯会自动关闭。当错误消息变得可见时,背光灯将保持亮起。只要显示错误消息,背光灯就不会关闭。

如何使用 140CPU65150

键盘用于访问映射的硬件地址。键盘上有五个键。其中两个键是 LED 箭头键。

黄色指示 LED 由协处理器硬件控制,指示以太网活动。

STS LED 指示灯为黄色,由协处理器软件控制。它表明了几件事。正常工作时呈常亮黄色。如果未打开,则可能存在硬件问题。当黄色 STS 指示灯闪烁时,闪烁次数指示原因。一次闪存表示配置正在进行中;这是暂时的。两次闪烁表示 MAC 地址无效,三次闪烁表示链路未连接,四次闪烁表示 IP 地址重复,5 次闪烁表示它正在等待地址服务器的 IP 地址。六次闪烁表示 IP 地址无效,七次闪烁表示 PLC 操作系统和 Copro 固件之间的固件不兼容。


140CPU65150 UNITY 处理器 





The 140CPU65150 is a Unity processor from Schneider Electric's Modicon Quantum family. It is one of the newer models in the processor module family. It combines the standard functionality of a PLC with the diagnostic possibilities of a Web server. It uses an RJ-45 connection for communication. The module comes in a double-width standard Quinten housing that requires two continuous slots in a Quinten rack. Since its Web server functionality is only diagnostic, it is necessary to configure its services using the software. Manufactured in France, these products are designed for material handling, packaging and textile machinery use. They come with a 2-year warranty on MRO Electric. We also offer cpus from other manufacturers such as Modicon and ABB.


It is clocked at 166 Mhz and has two local racks. It has 63 distributed I/O stations, 1 rack, and 3 distributed networks. It has 8,000 discrete inputs and outputs in a distributed network and 31,744 discrete inputs and inputs in a remote system. In terms of application-specific I/O, it can be used for time stamps, counters, high-speed interrupt inputs, and serial links.

6CPU140 can use 65150 optional modules. These include Ethernet, Modbus, Modbus Plus, Profibus DP and Sy/Max. In a local AS interface, a module has an infinite maximum number of connections. It also has 4 integrated connection types - Ethernet TCP/IP, Modbus, Modbus Plus and USB. It has 8 MB of expandable file storage, 7168 kB or expandable programming, and 768 kB of RAM. 140CPU65150 Switch On/Off the memory port using a key.

140CPU65150 The data rate is 10/100 Mbps. For media, users should use shielded twisted pair cables. The module has many services including standard Web services, Modbus TCP messaging, I/O scanning service, global data, FDR client, SNMP management and SMTP service (email). It is only compatible with Unity Pro software.


The Schneider Electric 140CPU65150 quantum CPU module has a lens cap that provides protection for three items inside. The key switch, battery and reset button are located in the lens cap. Slide the lens cap up to open.

It has a standard LCD with two lines and 16 characters. Contrast and backlight status are adjustable. Once the keyboard driver detects a key, the backlight becomes active. The backlight also becomes active when the key switch level changes or an error message is displayed on the LCD. After 5 minutes of inactivity, the backlight will automatically turn off. When the error message becomes visible, the backlight will remain on. The backlight does not turn off as long as the error message is displayed.

How do I use the 140CPU65150

The keyboard is used to access the mapped hardware address. There are five keys on the keyboard. Two of the keys are LED arrow keys.

The yellow indicator LED is controlled by the coprocessor hardware and indicates Ethernet activity.

The STS LED indicator is yellow and is controlled by coprocessor software. It shows a couple of things. In normal operation, it is steady yellow. If it is not turned on, there may be a hardware problem. When the yellow STS indicator blinks, the number of blinks indicates the cause. A flash indicates that the configuration is in progress; This is temporary. Blinking twice indicates that the MAC address is invalid, blinking three times indicates that the link is not connected, blinking four times indicates that the IP address is duplicate, and blinking five times indicates that it is waiting for the IP address of the address server. Six blinks indicate that the IP address is invalid, and seven blinks indicate that the firmware between the PLC operating system and Copro firmware is incompatible.

140CPU65150 UNITY 处理器 








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标签: 140CPU65150







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