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140CPU43412U 统一处理器 MODICON 量子

140CPU43412U 统一处理器 MODICON 量子 【产品详情】 Modicon CPU模块140CPU43412U由施耐德电气制造,是Modicon Quantum通信系统的一部分。Modicon Quantum系统在您的计算系统上提供处理功能。昆腾系统是专为制造和工业应用中所需的实时控制而设计的专用系统。昆腾系统采用模块化、可扩展的架构,使用多个模块,如 140CPU43412U






140CPU43412U  统一处理器 MODICON 量子






Modicon CPU模块140CPU43412U由施耐德电气制造,是Modicon Quantum通信系统的一部分。Modicon Quantum系统在您的计算系统上提供处理功能。昆腾系统是专为制造和工业应用中所需的实时控制而设计的专用系统。昆腾系统采用模块化、可扩展的架构,使用多个模块,如 140CPU43412U CPU 以及 CPS、I/O 模块以及网络接口模块。


Modicon 140CPU43412U 低端 CPU 模块的最大内部存储器为 800 kBytes。它配备了一个钥匙开关。它由控制专家编程软件管理。热备用拓扑不兼容,这是控制模块。它有两个通信端口,2个Modbus(RS-232),1个Modbus Plus(RS-485)。140CPU43412U 的处理器是 inter 486,此特定模块所需的总线电流为 1250 mA。与本机一起使用的支撑模块的最大组合为 6。时钟速度为 66 MHz。它有一个数学处理器。

Modicon 140CPU43412U具有无限的I / O字和最多2个I / O机架。它能够为每个网络最多输入 500 个输入和 500 个输出字。每个节点的最大字数为 30 输入和 32 输出,最大 DIO 丢弃/网络数为 64。它需要一个 3 V 锂电池。


昆腾 CPU 模块用作总线主站。总线主站控制整个昆腾系统的本地、远程和分布式 I/O。在哪里可以使用Modicon 140CPU43412U?Modicon 140CPU43412U 用于昆腾 I/O 机架。它利用可编程存储器在内部存储用户指令。这是通过数字操作的电子系统完成的。该系统允许您实现某些功能。您可以添加特定指令来控制的一些函数包括逻辑、过程排序、定时、耦合和算术。数字和模拟输出使用指令来促进对各种类型的机器和过程的控制。

如何使用 140CPU43412U

低端 CPU 模块有几个通用组件。型号和型号说明都位于模块的顶部正面。型号和说明的正下方是 LED 显示屏。电池位于设备正面 LED 下方,后跟 140CPU43412U 按键开关。按键开关下方是为内存端口和两个滑动开关指定的区域。两个滑动开关各有三个位置。左上角的开关是内存保护开关。使用在中间左边的位置或左下角的位置,没有内存保护。右侧滑动开关用于通信参数设置。其中也有三个。右上位置用于ASCII,中间位置用于RTU,右下位置用于mem。在内存端口和滑动开关下方,有两个连接器。第一个是Modus连接器,第二个是Modbus Plus连接器。有一个可拆卸的门可用于覆盖电池、钥匙开关和 Modbus 连接器。标签可以放在盖子内以进行识别。


140CPU43412U  统一处理器 MODICON 量子





The Modicon CPU module 140CPU43412U is manufactured by Schneider Electric and is part of the Modicon Quantum communication system. The Modicon Quantum system provides processing capabilities on your computing system. Quinten systems are specialized systems designed for the real-time control required in manufacturing and industrial applications. The Quinten system uses a modular, scalable architecture using multiple modules such as 140CPU43412U cpus as well as CPS, I/O modules and network interface modules.


The Modicon 140CPU43412U low-end CPU module has a maximum internal memory of 800 kBytes. It is equipped with a key switch. It is managed by control expert programming software. The hot standby topology is not compatible. This is the control module. It has two communication ports, two Modbus (RS-232) and one Modbus Plus (RS-485). The processor for the 140CPU43412U is inter 486, and the bus current required for this particular module is 1250 mA. The maximum combination of support modules used with the machine is 6. The clock speed is 66 MHz. It has a math processor.

The Modicon 140CPU43412U has unlimited I/O words and up to 2 I/O racks. It is capable of up to 500 input and 500 output words per network. The maximum number of words per node is 30 input and 32 output, and the maximum number of DIO discard/network is 64. It requires a 3 V lithium battery.


The Quinten CPU module is used as the bus master. The bus master station controls local, remote, and distributed I/O for the entire Quinten system. Where can I use Modicon 140CPU43412U? The Modicon 140CPU43412U is used in the Quinten I/O rack. It uses programmable memory to store user instructions internally. This is done through digitally operated electronic systems. The system allows you to implement certain functions. Some functions that you can add specific instructions to control include logic, procedural ordering, timing, coupling, and arithmetic. Digital and analog outputs use instructions to facilitate control of various types of machines and processes.

How do I use the 140CPU43412U

Low-end CPU modules have several generic components. The model number and model description are located on the top front of the module. Directly below the model number and description is the LED display. The battery is located on the front of the device under the LED, followed by a 140CPU43412U key switch. Below the key switch is the area specified for the memory port and the two slide switches. Two sliding switches have three positions each. The switch in the upper left corner is the memory protection switch. Use in the left center position or the bottom left position with no memory protection. The right sliding switch is used to set communication parameters. There are three of them. The top right position is for ASCII, the middle position is for RTU, and the bottom right position is for mem. Under the memory port and slide switch, there are two connectors. The first is the Modus connector and the second is the Modbus Plus connector. There is a detachable door that can be used to cover the battery, key switch and Modbus connector. Labels can be placed inside the lid for identification.

140CPU43412U  统一处理器 MODICON 量子







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标签: 140CPU43412U







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