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140CPU42402 CPU接口支持模块 SCHNEIDER

140CPU42402 CPU接口支持模块 SCHNEIDER 【产品详情】 Modicon 140 CPU 424 02是一个CPU接口支持模块,设计用于Modicon量子自动化系统。它由施耐德电气以独立配置制造。Modicon控制器模块140 CPU 424 02最多可支持6个可选模块接口。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自






140CPU42402 CPU接口支持模块 SCHNEIDER





Modicon 140 CPU 424 02是一个CPU接口支持模块,设计用于Modicon量子自动化系统。它由施耐德电气以独立配置制造。Modicon控制器模块140 CPU 424 02最多可支持6个可选模块接口。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的CPU,如Modicon和ABB。


用于 Modicon 控制器模块 140 CPU 424 02 的昆腾硬件规格是最大 IEC 程序为 570 K,SRAM 尺寸为 2 M,所需的总线电流为 1.8 A。该单元的可用寄存器为64 k,梯形逻辑也为64 k。

140 CPU 424 02 CPU的正面有部件模块编号和说明,并用颜色编码。部件号正下方的区域是 LED 位置。140 CPU 424 02 CPU 有一个可拆卸的门,LED 区域下方带有客户识别标签。在门盖下方,您可以找到连接和电池放置。电池位置位于中间部分内。电池正下方是两个用于内存保护和通信参数滑动开关的插槽。滑动开关位置下方有三个连接器。一个 Modbus 连接器、一个用于通道 A 的 Modbus 连接器和一个用于通道 B 的 Modbus plus 连接器。


Modbus 模块有一 (1) 个串行端口(9 针 D 外壳),Modbus Plus 有 (2) 个冗余网络端口(9 针 D 外壳)。上电诊断程序包括RAM、RAM地址、执行校验和、用户逻辑检查和处理器。运行时诊断包括 RAM、RAM 地址、执行校验和和用户逻辑检查。Modicon 140 CPU 424 02所需的总线电流为1.8 A。功率分配为 9 W.,TOD 时钟为 +/- 8.0 秒/天 0 ...60°C.NOM,NOE和MMS模块连接的最大数量为6。可以使用 NOM、NOE 和 MMS 模块的任意组合。

指示灯说明如下。绿色表示CPU已通过通电诊断并准备就绪。它将保持绿色,以便在 RUN 模式下启动和求解逻辑。绿色还表示通信在Modbus和Modbus Plus上处于活动状态。琥珀色表示内存受写保护。红色指示灯有错误 A 和错误 B。错误 A 表示冗余 Modbus Plus 端口 A 出现通信错误。错误 B 表示冗余 Modus Plus 端口 B 出现通信错误。

140 CPU 424 02 控制器模块在本地 I/O 背板上具有最大 64 k 输入和 64 k 输出字。I/O 机架的最大数量为 2 个,带有所需的扩展器。远程 I/O 的最大 I/O 为每滴 64 个输入和 64 个输出字,以及 31 个最大远程丢弃数。分布式 I/O 最多有 3 个远程丢弃,需要使用 140NOM2x00 选件模块。分布式 I/O 每个网络最多有 500 个输入和 500 个输出字。


140CPU42402 CPU接口支持模块 SCHNEIDER






The Modicon 140 CPU 424 02 is a CPU interface support module designed for use in Modicon quantum automation systems. It is manufactured by Schneider Electric in a separate configuration. Modicon Controller Module 140 CPU 424 02 Supports a maximum of six optional module interfaces. Manufactured in France, these products are designed for material handling, packaging and textile machinery use. They come with a 2-year warranty on MRO Electric. We also offer cpus from other manufacturers such as Modicon and ABB.


The Quinten hardware specifications for the Modicon controller module 140 CPU 42402 are A maximum IEC program of 570 K, a SRAM size of 2 M, and a required bus current of 1.8 A. The available register of the unit is 64k, and the ladder logic is also 64k.

140 CPU 424 02 The front of the CPU has the component module number and description and is color-coded. The area directly below the part number is the LED location. The 140 CPU 424 02 CPU has a detachable door with a customer identification tag below the LED area. Below the door cover, you can find the connection and battery placement. The battery is located in the middle section. Right below the battery are two slots for memory protection and sliding switches for communication parameters. There are three connectors below the slide switch position. One Modbus connector, one Modbus connector for channel A, and one Modbus plus connector for channel B.


The Modbus module has one (1) serial port (9-pin D housing) and the Modbus Plus has (2) redundant network ports (9-pin D housing). The power-on diagnostics include RAM, RAM address, execution checksum, user logic check, and processor. Runtime diagnostics include RAM, RAM addresses, performing checksums, and user logic checks. The required bus current for the Modicon 140 CPU 424 02 is 1.8 A. Power distribution is 9 W., TOD clock is +/- 8.0 s/day 0... 60°C. OM, the maximum number of NOE and MMS modules connected is 6. Any combination of NOM, NOE, and MMS modules can be used.

Indicators are described as follows. Green indicates that the CPU is powered on and ready. It will remain green for launching and solving logic in RUN mode. Green also indicates that communication is active on Modbus and Modbus Plus. Amber indicates that the memory is write protected. The red indicator has errors A and B. Error A indicates A communication error on redundant Modbus Plus port A. Error B indicates a communication error on redundant Modus Plus port B.

140 CPU 424 02 Controller module has a maximum of 64k input and 64k output words on the local I/O backplane. The maximum number of I/O racks is 2 with the required expander. The maximum I/O for remote I/O is 64 input and 64 output words per drop, and 31 maximum remote drop numbers. A maximum of three remote drops are required for distributed I/ OS, and a 140NOM2x00 option module is required. Distributed I/O Each network has a maximum of 500 input and 500 output words.

140CPU42402 CPU接口支持模块 SCHNEIDER







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标签: 140CPU42402







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