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140CPS12400 电源模块 - 115 V/230 V AC - 冗余

140CPS12400 电源模块 - 115 V/230 V AC - 冗余 【产品详情】 Modicon电源模块(CPS)140 CPS 124 00由施耐德电气制造,用于Modicon Quantum平台。8 安培电源模块 140 CPS 124 00 是具有 115/230 VAC 和 50/60 Hz 的冗余装置。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电






140CPS12400 电源模块 - 115 V/230 V AC - 冗余





Modicon电源模块(CPS)140 CPS 124 00由施耐德电气制造,用于Modicon Quantum平台。8 安培电源模块 140 CPS 124 00 是具有 115/230 VAC 和 50/60 Hz 的冗余装置。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的电源,如Modicon和ABB。

Modicon 140 CPS 124 00的特点

Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 电源模块是向插入 Modicon Quantum 系统机架面板上的模块供电所必需的。哪些模块由施耐德电气电源单元 140 CPS 124 00 供电?140 CPS 124 00 为 Modicon Quantum CPU 模块、接口模块和 Modicon Quantum I/O 模块分配电源。昆腾 CPU 模块、接口模块和 Modicon I/O 模块必须与 Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 一起插入机架,才能从电源模块接收电源。


内部功耗(电损耗):9 W

网络功耗:电损耗 + (5.1 x Iout)¹


Modicon 140 CPS 124 00的输入功能如下。输入电压为 93 ...138 伏交流电和 170 ...276 伏交流电。输入频率为 47 ...63赫兹。该电源模块的输入电压总谐波失真小于基有效值的10%。本机的输入电流为 1.1 A @ 115 VAC 0.6 A @ 230 VAC。140 CPS 124 00 的浪涌电流为 38 A @ 115 VAC 19 A @ 230 VAC。该模块的 VA 额定值为 130 VA,140 CPS 124 00 的外部保险丝为 2.0 A 慢熔断。输入功率中断是满载和最小额定线路电压和频率下的半周期。

总线信息的输出如下所示。独立最大电流为 5.1 VDC,两个 140 CPS 124 00 模块的最大冗余电流在 8°C 时为 60 A。 在机架上使用 3 140 CPS 124 00 模块时,独立最大电流在 16°C 时为 60 A。 在机架上使用一个 140 CPS 124 00 和一个 140 CPS 524 00 时,独立最大电流在 8°C 时为 60 A。 一个 140 CPS 124 00 和两个 140 CPS 524 00 的独立最大电流在 16°C 时为 60 A。 两个 140 CPS 124 00 和一个 140 CPS 524 00 的独立最大电流在 16°C 时为 60 A。 没有最小电流要求。总线输出具有过流保护和过压保护。

Modicon 140 CPS 124 00的优势

施耐德电气电源模块可用于多种配置。根据Modicon电源模块的配置,有三种电源操作模式可供使用。140 CPS 124 00 可用的三种电源模式是什么?CSP 电源模块的第一个电源模式是独立模式。独立模式用于 3 A 或 8 A 配置。在 3 A 和 8 A 配置中,您可以拥有不需要容错功能或冗余功能的项目。Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 适用于的第二种电源模式是独立求和模式。当配置使用超过一个电源的额定电流时,使用独立求和模式。您可以在同一个 Modicon 昆腾机架中安装两个可汇总电源。Modicon 140 CPS 124 00可以工作的第三种电源模式是独立冗余模式。某些配置需要电源才能实现不间断的系统运行。在这种情况下,将使用独立冗余模式。要使用电源冗余运行,必须在机架中插入两个冗余电源模块。


140CPS12400 电源模块 - 115 V/230 V AC - 冗余






The Modicon Power Module (CPS) 140 CPS 124 00 is manufactured by Schneider Electric for the Modicon Quantum platform. The 8 amp power module 140 CPS 124 00 is a redundant unit with 115/230 VAC and 50/60 Hz. Manufactured in France, these products are designed for material handling, packaging and textile machinery use. They come with a 2-year warranty on MRO Electric. We also supply power supplies from other manufacturers such as Modicon and ABB.

Features of Modicon 140 CPS 124 00

The Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 Power module is required to supply power to the module inserted into the rack panel of the Modicon Quantum system. Which modules are powered by Schneider Electric Power Unit 140 CPS 124 00? 140 CPS 124 00 Allocates power to the Modicon Quantum CPU module, interface module, and Modicon Quantum I/O module. The Quinten CPU module, interface module, and Modicon I/O module must be inserted into the rack along with the Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 to receive power from the PSU.

Operation mode: Independent and redundant

Internal power consumption (electrical loss) : 9 W

Network power consumption: Electrical loss + (5.1 x Iout) ¹

Power factor: 0.5

The input functions of the Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 are as follows. Input voltage is 93... 138 volts AC and 170... 276 volts AC. The input frequency is 47... 63 Hertz. The total harmonic distortion of the input voltage of the power module is less than 10% of the base RMS value. The input current of this machine is 1.1A@115VAC 0.6A@230VAC. The surge current for 140 CPS 124 00 is 38 A @ 115 VAC 19 A @ 230 VAC. The module has A VA rating of 130 VA and an external fuse of 2.0 A slow fuse for 140 CPS 124 00. Input power interruption is half cycle at full load and minimum rated line voltage and frequency.

The output of the bus information is shown below. The maximum independent current is 5.1 VDC and the maximum redundant current for the two 140 CPS 124 00 modules is 60 A at 8°C. When using the 3 140 CPS 124 00 module on the rack, the independent maximum current is 60 A at 16°C. When using one 140 CPS 124 00 and one 140 CPS 524 00 on the rack, the independent maximum current is 60 A at 8°C. The independent maximum current of one 140 CPS 124 00 and two 140 CPS 524 00 is 60 A at 16°C. The independent maximum current of two 140 CPS 124 00 and one 140 CPS 524 00 is 60 A at 16°C. There is no minimum current requirement. The bus output has overcurrent protection and overvoltage protection.

Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 advantage

Schneider Electric power modules are available in a variety of configurations. Depending on the configuration of the Modicon power module, there are three power operation modes available. 140 CPS 124 00 What are the three power modes available? The first power mode of the CSP power module is independent mode. The independent mode is used in 3A or 8A configuration. In 3A and 8A configurations, you can have projects that do not require fault tolerance or redundancy. The second power mode suitable for the Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 is the independent Summation mode. When the configuration uses the rated current of more than one power supply, the independent summation mode is used. You can install two summarizable power supplies in the same Modicon Quinten rack. The third power mode in which the Modicon 140 CPS 124 00 can operate is independent redundancy mode. Some configurations require power for uninterrupted system operation. In this case, the independent redundancy mode is used. To run with power redundancy, two redundant power modules must be inserted into the rack.

140CPS12400 电源模块 - 115 V/230 V AC - 冗余







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标签: 140CPS12400







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