140AVO02000 模拟量输出模块 SCHNEIDER
140 AVO 020 00是施耐德电气制造的模拟输出模块,用于Modicon Quantum自动化平台。140 AVO 020 00 是一款混合电压模块,允许在混合模式下和不同电平下提供输出电压。可以通过使用现场接线连接器上的跳线来访问电平。Modicon 模拟输出 140 AVO 020 00 有四个通道。请注意,此模块与HART不兼容。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的I / O模块,如Modicon和ABB。
为了解决产品沟通问题,施耐德电气 140 AVO 020 00 具有六大特点。组件标识位于 Modicon 140 AVO 020 00 模块的顶部正面,包括模块编号、模块描述和颜色代码。140 AVO 020 00 的颜色代码为绿色。LED 显示屏位于识别信息下方。保险丝断口位于 Modicon 模块 140 AVO 020 00 内部的 LED 下方。现场接线端子可以插入模块的前部。现场端子排模块具有可拆卸的门和标签,是一个单独的订单项目。客户识别标签可以放置在现场端子条的可拆卸门内。
施耐德电气 140 AVO 020 00 的特点
施耐德电气 140 AVO 020 00 是一款 4 通道输出单元,总线电流为 700 mA,功耗为 4.5 W(最大值)。I/O 映射 = 4 个输出字,接线长度为 400 m(最大值)。它具有12位分辨率。该模块的双极性电压为 +/- 10 VDC(最小负载电阻 = 1 kohms)+/- 5 VDC(最小负载电阻 = 500 欧姆)。单极性电压为 0 ...10 VDC (最小负载电阻 = 1 毫欧) 0 ...5 VDC(最小负载电阻 = 500 欧姆)。输出电流最大为 +/- 10 mA(任何范围)。
施耐德电气 140 AVO 020 00 上的 LED 指示灯
四个 LED 灯 (1...4) 正常操作期间,前面板显示绿色(“ON”)。如果显示屏指示灯未显示绿色“ON”,则表示活动通信由于某种原因已停止。先前设置的面板软件配置将确定输出值。只要指示灯1...4保持绿色,“ON”,输出电平是预先确定的。当发生停机时,主超控电平将输出到所有通道(1...4).
Modicon 140 AVO 020 00 模拟量模块的接线
当绿色 LED 灯熄灭时,不会产生任何输出。如果正在使用主覆盖,则可能存在输出。主覆盖是如何连接的?母体超控通过内部继电器触点连接到输出。当 Modicon 140 AVO 020 00 未处于活动状态时,会发生这种情况。如果模块连接到外部连接,则 1/16 熔断器允许主器件超控输入。如果模块的主覆盖未连接到外部源,则必须将其连接到通道的公共资源。主超控的超控继电器转换时间一般为2ms。如果主超控输入未连接到系统公共电源,则另一种选择是外部电源。外部电源必须包括一个< 200Ω的源阻抗。当模块的输入通道正在使用时,它们不能浮动。
140AVO02000 模拟量输出模块 SCHNEIDER
The 140 AVO 020 00 is an analog output module manufactured by Schneider Electric for the Modicon Quantum automation platform. The 140 AVO 020 00 is a hybrid voltage module that allows output voltages to be supplied in hybrid mode and at different levels. The level can be accessed by using a jumper on the field wiring connector. Modicon analog output 140 AVO 020 00 has four channels. Please note that this module is not compatible with HART. Manufactured in France, these products are designed for material handling, packaging and textile machinery use. They come with a 2-year warranty on MRO Electric. We also offer I/O modules from other manufacturers such as Modicon and ABB.
To solve the problem of product communication, the Schneider Electric 140 AVO 020 00 has six features. The component identification is located on the top front of the Modicon 140 AVO 020 00 module and includes the module number, module description, and color code. The color code for the 140 AVO 020 00 is green. The LED display is located below the identification information. The fuse break is located below the LED inside the Modicon module 140 AVO 020 00. Field terminals can be inserted into the front of the module. The field terminal block module has removable doors and tabs and is a separate order item. The customer identification tag can be placed inside the detachable door of the field terminal strip.
Features of the Schneider Electric 140 AVO 020 00
The Schneider Electric 140 AVO 020 00 is a 4-channel output unit with a bus current of 700 mA and a power consumption of 4.5 W (maximum). I/O mapping = 4 output words, cable length is 400 m (maximum). It has a 12-bit resolution. The module has a bipolar voltage of +/ -10 VDC (minimum load resistance = 1 kohms) +/ -5 VDC (minimum load resistance = 500 ohms). Unipolar voltage is 0... 10 VDC (minimum load resistance = 1 milliohm) 0... 5 VDC (minimum load resistance = 500 ohms). Output current up to +/- 10 mA (any range).
LED indicator on the Schneider Electric 140 AVO 020 00
Four LED lights (1... 4) During normal operation, the front panel displays green (" ON "). If the display indicator does not show a green "ON", active communication has stopped for some reason. The previously set panel software configuration determines the output value. As long as light 1... 4 Keep green, "ON", the output level is predetermined. When an outage occurs, the master override level is output to all channels (1... 4).
Modicon 140 AVO 020 00 Cables to analog modules
When the green LED light is turned off, no output is produced. If you are using a master overlay, there may be output. How is the primary overlay connected? The parent override is connected to the output via an internal relay contact. This happens when the Modicon 140 AVO 020 00 is not active. If the module is connected to an external connection, the 1/16 fuse allows the main device to override the input. If the module's main overlay is not connected to an external source, it must be connected to the channel's public resource. The overcontrol relay conversion time of the main override is generally 2ms. If the main override input is not connected to the system public power supply, the other option is an external power supply. The external power supply must include a source impedance of < 200Ω. Modules cannot float when their input channels are in use.
140AVO02000 模拟量输出模块 SCHNEIDER
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