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140DDI84100 离散输入模块 I/O 模块

140DDI84100 离散输入模块 I/O 模块 【产品详情】 施耐德电气部件号 140DDI84100 是专为工业自动化应用设计的直流离散输入模块。作为I/O(输入/输出)模块,它充当现场设备和控制系统之间的重要接口,允许监控外部数字信号。该模块是施耐德电气产品线的一部分,提供 2 年保修,确保可靠性和性能。功能140DDI84100 模块格式遵循标准格式,便于集成到各种工业设置中。它提供






140DDI84100  离散输入模块 I/O 模块





施耐德电气部件号 140DDI84100 是专为工业自动化应用设计的直流离散输入模块。作为I/O(输入/输出)模块,它充当现场设备和控制系统之间的重要接口,允许监控外部数字信号。该模块是施耐德电气产品线的一部分,提供 2 年保修,确保可靠性和性能。


140DDI84100 模块格式遵循标准格式,便于集成到各种工业设置中。它提供 16 个离散输入通道,分为 8 个通道。这些通道的逻辑输入为正(灌电流),这意味着当输入电压降至低电平(0 V)时,它会检测信号。

该模块的输入电压限值范围为 10 至 60 V。根据输入电压范围,该模块支持不同的输入电流水平。例如,对于60 V输入,支持的电流为1至5 mA DC,而对于48 V输入,支持的电流为2至15 mA DC。

该模块保证特定的电压状态,以实现准确的信号检测。对于电压状态 1,模块保证的电压范围因输入电压而异,从 9 V 输入的 12 至 60 V 到 12 V 输入的 5 V ± 12%。对于电压状态0,0 V输入的保证电压范围为9至60 V,0 V输入的保证电压范围为1至8.12 V。

观察绝对最大电压(75 V)至关重要,超过此限制的操作可能会损坏模块和连接的设备。


对模块进行寻址需要 1 个输入字,这意味着它在控制系统的内存中占用一个数据字。在电压状态之间切换的响应时间为4 ms,从状态1到状态0,反之亦然。模块的开关频率限制为最大 100 Hz,确保稳定可靠的运行。

该模块在组和总线之间提供隔离,这对于安全和降噪至关重要。组和总线之间的隔离级别为 2500 Vrms DC,持续 1 分钟,各个组成员之间的隔离级别为 700 Vrms DC,持续 1 分钟。


140DDI84100 模块的功耗为 1 W,每连接一点额外增加 0.62 W。功耗表示运行期间产生的热量。

该模块具有通过 LED 发出本地信号的功能。有 16 个绿色 LED 指示输入状态,1 个红色 LED 指示外部故障检测 (F),1 个绿色 LED 指示总线通信处于活动状态。


为了正常工作,该模块需要200 mA的总线电流。


总体而言,施耐德电气 140DDI84100 直流离散输入模块是一款可靠的多功能设备,有助于将外部数字信号集成到工业控制系统中。其高质量的设计、保护功能和本地信号功能使其适用于各种自动化应用,从而提高工业过程的效率和可靠性。

140DDI84100  离散输入模块  I/O 模块







Schneider Electric Part Number 140DDI84100 is a DC discrete input module designed for industrial automation applications. As an I/O (input/output) module, it acts as an important interface between the field equipment and the control system, allowing monitoring of external digital signals. The module is part of the Schneider Electric product line and comes with a 2-year warranty to ensure reliability and performance.


The 140DDI84100 module format follows a standard format for easy integration into various industrial Settings. It provides 16 discrete input channels, divided into 8 channels. The logical input of these channels is positive (filling current), which means that it detects the signal when the input voltage drops to a low level (0 V).

The module has input voltage limits ranging from 10 to 60 V. The module supports different input current levels depending on the input voltage range. For example, for 60 V inputs, the supported currents are 1 to 5 mA DC, while for 48 V inputs, the supported currents are 2 to 15 mA DC.

The module guarantees specific voltage states for accurate signal detection. For voltage state 1, the guaranteed voltage range of the module varies depending on the input voltage, from 12 to 60 V for 9 V inputs to 5 V ± 12% for 12 V inputs. The guaranteed voltage range is 9 to 60 V for voltage state 0,0 V inputs, and 1 to 8.12 V for 0 V inputs.

It is crucial to observe the absolute maximum voltage (75 V), operations beyond this limit can damage the module and connected devices.


Addressing a module requires 1 input word, which means that it occupies a data word in the memory of the control system. The response time to switch between voltage states is 4 ms, from state 1 to state 0 and vice versa. The module's switching frequency is limited to a maximum of 100 Hz, ensuring stable and reliable operation.

This module provides isolation between the group and the bus, which is critical for safety and noise reduction. The isolation level between groups and buses is 2500 Vrms DC for 1 minute, and the isolation level between individual group members is 700 Vrms DC for 1 minute.


The 140DDI84100 module has a power consumption of 1 W, with an additional 0.62 W per connection point. Power consumption represents the amount of heat generated during operation.

The module has the function of sending out local signals through leds. There are 16 green leds indicating input status, 1 red LED indicating external fault detection (F), and 1 green LED indicating that bus communication is active.


In order to function properly, the module requires a bus current of 200 mA.

The 140DDI84100 module is marked with the CE marking, indicating that it complies with relevant EU safety and electromagnetic compatibility regulations and standards.

Overall, the Schneider Electric 140DDI84100 DC discrete input module is a reliable, versatile device that helps integrate external digital signals into industrial control systems. Its high-quality design, protection and local signal capabilities make it suitable for a variety of automation applications, thereby increasing the efficiency and reliability of industrial processes.

Schneider Electric products are manufactured in France and designed for use in material handling, packaging and textile machinery. They come with a 2-year warranty on MRO Electric. We also offer I/O modules from other manufacturers such as Modicon and ABB.


140DDI84100  离散输入模块  I/O 模块






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标签: 140DDI84100







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