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140CRP93100 SCHNEIDER 单电缆 RIO 头适配器模块

140CRP93100 SCHNEIDER 单电缆 RIO 头适配器模块 【产品详情】 Modicon 140CRP93100 RIO头端适配器模块由施耐德电气制造,用于Modicon Quantum平台,以满足您的自动化生产线的需求。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的I / O模块,如Modicon和ABB。140






140CRP93100 SCHNEIDER 单电缆 RIO 头适配器模块





Modicon 140CRP93100 RIO头端适配器模块由施耐德电气制造,用于Modicon Quantum平台,以满足您的自动化生产线的需求。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的I / O模块,如Modicon和ABB。

140CRP93100 用于使用远程安装 I/O 的应用。它为昆腾远程 I/O 架构解决方案提供了关键性的结果。您将受益于该模块的I/O掉线架构,更高的I/O容量以及与现有Modicon I/O配件的连接,为您提供最佳的远程I / O连接。

140CRP93100 单电缆 RIO 头适配器模块的亮点


体系结构类型 -远程 I/O




描述: 昆腾 RIO 头适配器(最多 1 个) (1)

电缆 - 单同轴

所需总线电流 – 600 mA

功耗 - 3 W


Modicon 140CRP93100是以太网RIO架构的一个组成部分。它是简单的菊花环的一部分,也称为菊花火车环路。简单的菊花环由本地昆腾以太网滴线制成,昆腾或 Modicon X80 以太网 RIO 滴线包含 CRA 滴落适配器,使用 140CRP93100 作为 RIO 头端适配器。

如何使用 140CRP93100

您必须安装和使用 MA0185100 T 型连接器 10,因为系统上的每个 I/O 断开都需要它。需要 T 型连接器的原因是,它允许您从干线电缆上电气隔离跌落,并保护系统免受任何不正确的可能阻抗匹配的影响,除了阻抗问题外,它还是可能断开电缆的安全网。在干线电缆和每个 I/O 压降之间,所需的最小信号强度为 14 dB。

当干线上的信号穿过 T 型连接器时,它的损耗小于 1db。头端RIO CPU的总分贝可能达到35 dB。布线系统的整体不得超过此允许的体系结构限制。

如果您的系统需要高可用性,施耐德电气有针对该问题的可用解决方案;利用冗余电缆,为您提供防止电缆断裂的保护。它还可以防止任何可能的损坏连接器。这样,当主机和每个滴线之间连接两根电缆时,您可以在第一根电缆中断,并且中断不会中断您的通信。如果您碰巧有电缆断裂,当发生这种情况时,您会注意到状态位设置为 1。



140CRP93100 SCHNEIDER 单电缆 RIO 头适配器模块






The Modicon 140CRP93100 RIO headend adapter module is manufactured by Schneider Electric for the Modicon Quantum platform to meet the needs of your automated production line. Manufactured in France, these products are designed for material handling, packaging and textile machinery use. They come with a 2-year warranty on MRO Electric. We also offer I/O modules from other manufacturers such as Modicon and ABB.

140CRP93100 Used for remote I/O installation applications. It provides key results for Quinten remote I/O architecture solutions. You will benefit from the module's I/O drop-off architecture, higher I/O capacity and connectivity to existing Modicon I/O accessories, giving you the best remote I/O connectivity.

140CRP93100 Single cable RIO Head adapter module highlights

Modicon quantum automation platform

Architecture Type - Remote I/O

Single cable

Bus S908

Connect the quantum CPU header module

Description: Quinten RIO Head Adapter (up to 1) (1)

Cable - Single coaxial

Required bus current - 600 mA

Power consumption - 3 W


Modicon 140CRP93100 is an integral part of the Ethernet RIO architecture. It is part of the simple Chrysanthemum Ring, also known as the Chrysanthemum Train Ring. The simple Daisy ring is made from a native Quinten Ethernet drop wire, and Quinten or Modicon X80 Ethernet RIO drop wire contains a CRA drop adapter, using 140CRP93100 as the RIO headend adapter.

How to use 140CRP93100

You must install and use the MA0185100 T-connector 10, as it is required for every I/O disconnect on your system. The reason a T-connector is needed is that it allows you to electrically isolate falls from the trunk cable and protects the system from any incorrect possible impedance matching, in addition to impedance issues, it is also the safety net that can disconnect the cable. Between the trunk cable and each I/O voltage drop, the required minimum signal strength is 14 dB.

When the signal on the trunk passes through the T-connector, its loss is less than 1db. The total decibel of the headend RIO CPU can reach 35 dB. The cabling system as a whole must not exceed this permitted architectural limit.

If your system requires high availability, Schneider Electric has a solution for that problem. Provide you with protection against cable breakage with redundant cables. It also prevents any possible damage to the connector. This way, when two cables are connected between the host and each drop line, you can interrupt at the first cable and the interruption will not interrupt your communication. If you happen to have a cable break, when this happens, you will notice that the status bit is set to 1.

This will indicate to you that there is a problem drop or that the cable has some kind of malfunction. If you are interested in preventive maintenance, you will find that the system also provides counter values. This applies to all to all discarded communication transactions. If you find a high counter value in any particular drop on the cable, this may indicate to you that there is a problem with the connection. With this high level of deliberation, you will be able to identify the work that will correct the problem and then be able to initiate a predetermined time to react before dealing with unnecessary downtime. This translates into savings for you. Saving time and effort will inevitably save you money.


140CRP93100 SCHNEIDER 单电缆 RIO 头适配器模块






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标签: 140CRP93100







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