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SCHNEIDER 140CPU43412A 处理器 该处理器提供灵活的 I/O 配置

SCHNEIDER 140CPU43412A 处理器 该处理器提供灵活的 I/O 配置 【产品详情】 施耐德电气 140CPU43412A 处理器施耐德电气140CPU43412A是一款功能强大的处理器,专为Modicon Quantum自动化平台而设计。作为CPU(中央处理器)类别的一部分,该处理器充当自动化系统的大脑,执行任务和管理关键的工业流程。凭借其强大的 80486 处理器和 66 MH






SCHNEIDER 140CPU43412A 处理器 该处理器提供灵活的 I/O 配置





施耐德电气 140CPU43412A 处理器

施耐德电气140CPU43412A是一款功能强大的处理器,专为Modicon Quantum自动化平台而设计。作为CPU(中央处理器)类别的一部分,该处理器充当自动化系统的大脑,执行任务和管理关键的工业流程。凭借其强大的 80486 处理器和 66 MHz 的时钟频率,140CPU43412A 可提供高速数据处理,从而实现工业应用的高效控制和监控。


140CPU43412A 的核心是 80486 处理器,这是一种广受认可且功能强大的 CPU 架构,以其可靠性和性能而闻名。该处理器的时钟频率为 66 MHz,可以快速处理复杂的指令和数据计算,确保工业过程平稳高效地运行。无论是处理实时控制任务还是执行复杂算法,140CPU43412A 都能提供应对苛刻自动化挑战所需的处理能力。


140CPU43412A 配备 896 kB 的内部 RAM,为存储数据和程序指令提供充足的内存。这种巨大的内存容量允许高效执行控制程序、数据存储和多任务处理,使用户能够开发复杂的自动化应用程序。借助 Concept 和 ProWORX 32 软件支持,用户可以轻松创建和管理程序,从而优化其自动化系统的性能。

多功能 I/O 配置:

该处理器提供灵活的 I/O 配置,以适应各种工业设置。64CPU64A 在远程配置中具有多达 64 个输入和 64 个输出,在本地配置中具有多达 30 个输入和 32 个输出,在分布式配置中具有 140 个输入和 43412 个输出,为用户提供了满足各种应用要求的多功能性。此外,该处理器在网络上支持多达 500 个分布式 I/O 字,增强了其与远程设备和模块的连接和集成。


140CPU43412A 具有两个 Modbus RS232 端口和一个 Modbus Plus 端口,可实现与各种设备和系统的无缝通信。这些通信选项有助于自动化网络中不同组件之间的数据交换和协调,从而提高整体系统效率和控制。该处理器支持 NOM、NOE、CR 和 NMS 等通信模块处理器,为网络配置和扩展提供了灵活性。


为了增强系统可靠性,140CPU43412A 集成了超时时间为 250 ms 的看门狗定时器。看门狗定时器监视处理器的运行,确保在发生任何故障或故障时复位,从而防止严重的系统崩溃。此外,处理器在 8 至 0°C 下保持精确的计时,时钟漂移为每天 +/-60 秒,为事件和数据记录提供准确的时间戳。


该处理器配备了容量为1.2 AH的锂电池,电池寿命长达10年。这种持久的电池可确保关键数据和程序配置即使在断电或系统关闭期间也能保持完整。该电池的低功耗为 7 μA 至 210 μA,进一步延长了使用寿命并降低了维护要求。


140CPU43412A 拥有坚固可靠的结构,适用于要求苛刻的工业环境。其标准模块格式允许轻松安装和集成到控制面板和外壳中。该处理器具有用于切换功能的钥匙开关,为系统配置和操作提供了额外的安全层。此外,CE标志证明符合欧洲安全和监管标准。


施耐德电气 140CPU43412A 是一款高性能处理器,旨在为 Modicon 昆腾自动化平台提供可靠、高效的控制。凭借其强大的 80486 处理器、多功能 I/O 配置、强大的通信选项和全面的内存容量,该处理器使用户能够构建复杂的自动化应用程序,以应对复杂的工业挑战。140CPU43412A 的电池续航时间长、看门狗定时器和精确的计时功能进一步提高了系统可靠性和正常运行时间。作为施耐德电气对质量和创新承诺的一部分,140CPU43412A是值得信赖的工业自动化解决方案,为用户提供先进的控制和监控功能。


SCHNEIDER 140CPU43412A 处理器 该处理器提供灵活的 I/O 配置






Schneider Electric 140CPU43412A processor

The Schneider Electric 140CPU43412A is a powerful processor designed for the Modicon Quantum automation platform. As part of the CPU (Central Processing Unit) category, this processor acts as the brain of an automated system, performing tasks and managing critical industrial processes. With its powerful 80486 processor and clock rate of 66 MHz, the 140CPU43412A provides high-speed data processing for efficient control and monitoring of industrial applications.

Reliable processing power:

At the heart of the 140CPU43412A is the 80486 processor, a widely recognized and powerful CPU architecture known for its reliability and performance. With a clock rate of 66 MHz, the processor can quickly handle complex instructions and data calculations, ensuring that industrial processes run smoothly and efficiently. Whether handling real-time control tasks or executing complex algorithms, the 140CPU43412A delivers the processing power needed to meet demanding automation challenges.

Integrated memory capacity:

The 140CPU43412A is equipped with 896 kB of internal RAM, providing ample memory for storing data and program instructions. This large memory capacity allows efficient execution of control programs, data storage, and multitasking, enabling users to develop complex automated applications. With Concept and ProWORX 32 software support, users can easily create and manage programs to optimize the performance of their automation systems.

Multi-function I/O configuration:

The processor offers flexible I/O configurations to suit a variety of industrial Settings. With up to 64 inputs and 64 outputs in remote configuration, up to 30 inputs and 32 outputs in local configuration, and 140 inputs and 43,412 outputs in distributed configuration, the 64CPU64A provides users with the versatility to meet a variety of application requirements. In addition, the processor supports up to 500 distributed I/O words on the network, enhancing its connectivity and integration with remote devices and modules.

Reliable communication options:

The 140CPU43412A features two Modbus RS232 ports and one Modbus Plus port for seamless communication with a wide range of devices and systems. These communication options help automate the exchange and coordination of data between different components in the network, thereby improving overall system efficiency and control. The processor supports communication module processors such as NOM, NOE, CR, and NMS, providing flexibility for network configuration and expansion.

Powerful watchdog timer and clock drift:

To enhance system reliability, the 140CPU43412A integrates a watchdog timer with a timeout period of 250 ms. The watchdog timer monitors the operation of the processor to ensure that it is reset in the event of any failure or malfunction, thereby preventing serious system crashes. In addition, the processor maintains accurate timing at 8 to 0°C, with a clock drift of +/-60 seconds per day, providing accurate time stamps for event and data logging.

Long battery life:

The processor is equipped with a lithium battery with a capacity of 1.2AH and a battery life of up to 10 years. This long-lasting battery ensures that critical data and program configurations remain intact even during power outages or system shutdowns. The battery's low power consumption ranges from 7 μA to 210 μA, further extending service life and reducing maintenance requirements.

Durable and user-friendly design:

The 140CPU43412A has a robust and reliable construction for demanding industrial environments. Its standard module format allows for easy installation and integration into control panels and housings. The processor has a key switch for switching functions, providing an additional layer of security for system configuration and operation. In addition, the CE mark certifies compliance with European safety and regulatory standards.


The Schneider Electric 140CPU43412A is a high-performance processor designed to provide reliable, efficient control for the Modicon Quinten automation platform. With its powerful 80486 processor, versatile I/O configuration, robust communication options, and comprehensive memory capacity, the processor enables users to build complex automation applications to address complex industrial challenges. The 140CPU43412A's long battery life, watchdog timer and precise timing features further improve system reliability and uptime. As part of Schneider Electric's commitment to quality and innovation, the 140CPU43412A is a trusted industrial automation solution that provides users with advanced control and monitoring capabilities.

SCHNEIDER 140CPU43412A 处理器 该处理器提供灵活的 I/O 配置







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标签: 140CPU43412A







采购:SCHNEIDER 140CPU43412A 处理器 该处理器提供灵活的 I/O 配置