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SCHNEIDER 140CHS11000 热备模块 接收光纤通信端口

SCHNEIDER 140CHS11000 热备模块 接收光纤通信端口 【产品详情】 Modicon 140CHS11000由施耐德电气制造,是Modicon Quantum系统的一部分。使用量子通信和网络模块是与量子控制器接口所必需的。通信和网络通过昆腾系统本地背板完成。通过背板,高速数据传输到通信和网络模块和从通信和网络模块传输。它有助于最大限度地提高性能。140CHS11000是Modic






SCHNEIDER 140CHS11000  热备模块 接收光纤通信端口





Modicon 140CHS11000由施耐德电气制造,是Modicon Quantum系统的一部分。使用量子通信和网络模块是与量子控制器接口所必需的。通信和网络通过昆腾系统本地背板完成。通过背板,高速数据传输到通信和网络模块和从通信和网络模块传输。它有助于最大限度地提高性能。140CHS11000是Modicon Quantum系统上的智能/专用模块,称为热备用单元。热备用单元专为在具有远程 I/O 网络的昆腾系统上使用而设计。它是在不允许停机的时候实施的。它用于确定 PCU 和 I/O 扫描的同步。这些产品在法国制造,专为物料搬运、包装和纺织机械使用而设计。它们提供MRO电气的2年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的I / O模块,如Modicon和ABB。


Modicon 140CHS11000在设备正面具有许多有用的功能。模块的前顶部是 LED 显示屏。LED 显示屏正上方是型号和模块说明所在的位置。模块和说明采用颜色编码。在 LED 显示屏下方,您将找到钥匙开关。钥匙开关正下方是 A/B 指定滑动开关。程序更新按钮位于 A/B 指定滑动开关下方。接下来,您将找到传输电缆连接器,然后是接收电缆连接器。

本机有一个可拆卸的门,涵盖了其中的几个功能。可拆卸门覆盖钥匙开关、A/B 指示滑动开关、程序更新按钮、传输电缆连接器和接收电缆连接器。您还可以在门上添加客户标识标签。


施耐德电气 140CHS11000 为您提供量子 I/O 通信以及两个发射和接收光纤通信端口。它至少与Modsoft V2.32或Concept 2.0编程软件兼容。140CHS11000 热备用单元所需的总线电流为 700 mA。

如何使用 140CHS11000

Modicon 140CHS11000 上有五个 LED 指示灯:就绪、通信操作、主、通信错误和待机。

就绪 LED 指示灯为绿色,表示正在向模块供电。它还让您知道它通过了初始内部诊断测试。如果这两件事都发生,它将保持稳定的绿色。如果它尝试从接口错误中恢复,它将闪烁绿色。下一个 LED 是 Com Act。它也是绿色的,表示CHS 110模块正在通信。

如果它闪烁,则检测到错误。主控制器是下一个 LED,它也是绿色的,表示模块支持主控制器。接下来是红色的 Com Err。如果 Com Err 红灯亮起,则表示模块正在重试通信或检测到通信故障。最后一个 LED 是琥珀色的待机指示灯。当模块支持备用控制器时,备用 LED 将稳定,备用控制器已准备好在必要时发挥主要作用。


SCHNEIDER 140CHS11000  热备模块 接收光纤通信端口






The Modicon 140CHS11000 is manufactured by Schneider Electric and is part of the Modicon Quantum system. The use of quantum communication and network modules is necessary to interface with the quantum controller. Communication and networking is done through the local backplane of the Quinten system. Through the backplane, high-speed data is transmitted to and from the communication and network modules. It helps to maximize performance. The 140CHS11000 is an intelligent/dedicated module on the Modicon Quantum system, known as the Hot Standby Unit. The hot standby unit is designed for use on Quinten systems with remote I/O networks. It is implemented at a time when downtime is not allowed. It is used to determine the synchronization of PCU and I/O scans. Manufactured in France, these products are designed for material handling, packaging and textile machinery use. They come with a 2-year warranty on MRO Electric. We also offer I/O modules from other manufacturers such as Modicon and ABB.


The Modicon 140CHS11000 has many useful features on the front of the device. The front top of the module is an LED display. Directly above the LED display is the location of the model and module description. Modules and descriptions are color-coded. Below the LED display, you will find the key switch. Just below the key switch is the A/B designated slide switch. The program update button is located below the A/B designated slide switch. Next, you will find the transmission cable connector, followed by the receiving cable connector.

The unit has a detachable door that covers several of these functions. Detachable door cover key switch, A/B indication slide switch, program update button, transmission cable connector, and receiving cable connector. You can also add a customer identification tag to the door.


The Schneider Electric 140CHS11000 gives you quantum I/O communication and two transmit and receive fiber optic communication ports. It is at least compatible with Modsoft V2.32 or Concept 2.0 programming software. The bus current required for the 140CHS11000 hot standby unit is 700 mA.

How do I use the 140CHS11000

There are five LED indicators on the Modicon 140CHS11000: Ready, Communication Operation, Master, Communication Error and Standby.

Ready The green LED indicates that power is being supplied to the module. It also lets you know that it passed the initial internal diagnostic test. If both of these things happen, it will remain a steady green. If it tries to recover from an interface error, it will flash green. The next LED is Com Act. It is also green, indicating that the CHS 110 module is communicating.

If it blinks, an error is detected. The master controller is the next LED, which is also green, indicating that the module supports the master controller. Next is the red Com Err. If the Com Err red light is on, it indicates that the module is retrying the communication or a communication fault has been detected. The last LED is an amber standby indicator. The backup LED will be stable when the module supports the backup controller, which is ready to play the main role if necessary.


SCHNEIDER 140CHS11000  热备模块 接收光纤通信端口






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标签: 140CHS11000







采购:SCHNEIDER 140CHS11000 热备模块 接收光纤通信端口