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1769-L36ERM 以太网端口进行以太网通信 支持串行协议







1769-L36ERM 以太网端口进行以太网通信 支持串行协议





1769-L36ERM 是由 Allen-Bradley 制造的 CompactLogix 控制器。该控制器支持通过嵌入式两 (2) 个以太网端口进行以太网通信,并通过 RS232 通信端口支持串行协议。该控制器支持本地扩展模块,能够实现对本地和分布式 I/O 模块的控制。

Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix 控制器可与 1769-SDN 一起使用,以允许访问网络中的不同 I/O 模块,例如数字、模拟和高速计数器模块。它带有 3 MB 的内部存储器,可以支持 1 或 2 GB SD 存储卡。它随附一张 1 GB SD 卡。

Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix 控制器能够在温度范围为 0 至 60 摄氏度且相对湿度范围为 5 至 95% 且无冷凝的环境中运行。为了延长控制器的使用寿命,同时提供安全操作,遵循这些要求非常重要。

Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix 控制器可支持多达 32 个连续任务和 100 个可编程任务。Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix 控制器使用的编程语言是继电器梯形图、结构化文本、函数块。以及证监会。Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix 控制器需要 24 伏直流数字输入。该控制器因其多功能的结构和功能以及紧凑的设计而广泛应用于不同的行业。

Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM 是一款可编程自动化控制器 (PAC)。该模块是 CompactLogix 5370 L3 控制器或通常称为 1769 CompactLogix 下的处理器。该控制器具有集成功能,具有 3MB 用户内存,可选择安装非易失性存储器。控制器随附具有 1 GB 内存的 1784-SD1 卡,可替换为 1784-SD2 卡。这些安全数字卡提供非易失性存储器,允许控制器从该卡加载用户程序。它可以在本地通信总线中容纳多达三十 (30) 个 1769 紧凑型 I/O 模块,或者可以添加多达三 (3) 个 I/O 扩展组以满足过程中的额外 I/O。他的控制器具有双以太网通信端口和USB接口。它还具有集成运动功能,最多可支持十六 (16) 个轴。

该控制器是无机架控制器,支持DIN导轨或直接面板安装。安装此控制器时,必须遵守电源距离额定值以验证组件。与电源的具体要求距离为四 (4),这意味着控制器必须安装在距离电源不超过 4 个模块的距离。

要配置 IP 地址,可以使用 BOOTP-DHCP 或 RSnetworx for Ethernet。对于 V21.xx 及更高版本,使用 Studio 5000 Logix 设计器。该控制器支持国际电工委员会 (IEC) 标准 61131-3 规定的编程语言。下载到控制器的程序可以使用继电器梯形图、结构文本、功能块和顺序功能块 (SFC) 进行制作。


1769-L36ERM 以太网端口进行以太网通信 支持串行协议






The 1769-L36ERM is a CompactLogix controller manufactured by Allen-Bradley. The controller supports Ethernet communication via two (2) embedded Ethernet ports and supports serial protocol via RS232 communication ports. The controller supports local expansion modules and can control both local and distributed I/O modules.

The Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix controller can be used with the 1769-SDN to allow access to different I/O modules in the network, such as digital, analog, and high-speed counter modules. It comes with 3 MB of internal memory and can support 1 or 2 GB SD memory cards. It comes with a 1 GB SD card.

The Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix controller is capable of operating in a temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity range of 5 to 95% without condensation. In order to extend the life of the controller while providing safe operation, it is important to follow these requirements.

The Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix controller can support up to 32 continuous tasks and 100 programmable tasks. The Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix controller uses programming languages such as relay ladder, structured text, and function blocks. And the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix controller requires a 24-volt DC digital input. The controller is widely used in different industries due to its versatile structure and functions and compact design.

The Allen-Bradley 1769-L36ERM is a programmable automation controller (PAC). The module is a CompactLogix 5370 L3 controller or processor under 1769 CompactLogix. The controller is integrated with 3MB of user memory with the option to install non-volatile memory. The controller comes with a 1784-SD1 card with 1 GB of memory, which can be replaced with a 1784-SD2 card. These secure digital cards provide non-volatile memory that allows the controller to load user programs from the card. It can accommodate up to thirty (30) 1769 compact I/O modules in the local communication bus, or up to three (3) I/O expansion groups can be added to meet additional I/O in the process. Its controller has dual Ethernet communication ports and USB ports. It also has integrated motion capabilities that can support up to sixteen (16) axes.

The controller is rackless and supports DIN rail or direct panel mounting. When installing this controller, power distance ratings must be followed to verify the components. The specific required distance from the power supply is four (4), which means that the controller must be installed no more than four modules away from the power supply.

To configure the IP address, you can use BOOTP-DHCP or RSnetworx for Ethernet. For V21.xx and later, use the Studio 5000 Logix Designer. The controller supports programming languages specified in International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 61131-3. Programs downloaded to the controller can be made using relay ladder diagrams, structure text, function blocks, and sequential function blocks (SFC).


1769-L36ERM 以太网端口进行以太网通信 支持串行协议





ABB  KX8974c V24 HIEE320606R11381-648241-12   TEL140CRA93100ABB  086370-001Marposs 6331090800PFCL201C 10KN
ABB  PFTL101A 1.0KN 3BSE004166R11440-TB-H140CRA932001747-L542Marposs 6331110100PFEA111-20
ABB  PMA323BE HIEE300308R11747-CP3140DDI353001900-65AMarposs 6331320100PFEA111-65
ABB  PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R11747-L532140DDO84300IC693CPU374-GPMarposs 6331320200PFEA112-20 3BSE050091R20
ABB  PQF4-3 TAS.580.0600G00 V011747-M133481    TRICONEXIC698CPE020-JRMarposs 6331340200PFEA112-65
ABB  UNS0881a-P,V1 3BHB006338R00011751-6091CAMERON AAP3798102-00037SAN4-40M    DDKMarposs 6331340300PFRA101
ABB  3BSE018198R11755T-PMPP-1700FBM219 RH916RH TRICONEX 3301Marposs 6347000200PFSA140 3BSE006503R1
ABB  3BSE025349R11756-A13FBM207C RH917GY  UGRMEM-01SNQ12 YASKAWAMarposs 6347000201PFSA145 3BSE008843R1
ABB 3BDH000032R1 FI830F1756-EN2TFBM237 RH914XS MCP750-BD-MOTOROLAMarposs 6349040500PF SK151
ABB 3BHL000986P00061756-ENBTFCP270 P0917YZ  1769-L23E-QB1BMarposs 6366140600PFSK152
ABB 3BSC610037R1 SD8211756-IF8#NAME?TRICONEX 3805EMARPOSS 6366140700PFTL 101B 2.0KN

标签: 1769-L36ERM







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