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MVI56-MNETC 多客户端/服务器增强型网络接口模块

MVI56-MNETC 多客户端/服务器增强型网络接口模块 【产品详情】 当您需要 Modbus® TCP/IP 通信时,MVI56E- MNETC/MNETCXT 是首选模块。Modbus TCP/IP 增强型通信模块允许罗克韦尔自动化 ControlLogix® 可编程自动化控制器 (PAC) 与 Modicon® 可编程自动化®控制器 (PAC) 以及多个 Modbus TCP/IP 服务器






MVI56-MNETC 多客户端/服务器增强型网络接口模块

MVI56-MNETC 2.jpg




当您需要 Modbus® TCP/IP 通信时,MVI56E- MNETC/MNETCXT 是首选模块。Modbus TCP/IP 增强型通信模块允许罗克韦尔自动化 ControlLogix® 可编程自动化控制器 (PAC) 与 Modicon® 可编程自动化®控制器 (PAC) 以及多个 Modbus TCP/IP 服务器兼容仪器和设备轻松连接。多客户端模块通过支持多达 30 个客户端,提高了控制 Modbus TCP/IP 网络上的多个服务器时的性能。它还支持多达 20 个服务器连接,能够与其他 DCS 和 SCADA 系统进行通信。客户端和服务器功能可以同时运行,使该模块能够作为强大的数据集中器运行。

MVI56E-MNETC 和 MVI56E-MNETCXT 在功能上相同。MVI56E-MNETC专为标准过程应用而设计。MVI56E-MNETCXT 专为 Logix-XT™ 控制平台而设计,使其能够在极端环境中运行。它能承受更高的工作温度,并具有保形涂层,以保护其免受恶劣或腐蚀性条件的影响。

MVI56E 增强功能包括通过模块的以太网端口进行配置和管理,以及用于通过 ControlNet 和 EtherNet™/IP™ 网络桥接的 CIPconnect® 技术。


向后兼容以前的 MVI56-MNETC 版本

兼容单插槽 1756 ControlLogix 背板

10/100 Mbps 自动交叉检测以太网配置和应用端口

用户可定义多达 10,000 个 16 位寄存器的模块数据存储器映射

使用 ControlLogix 1756-ENxT 和 1756-CNB 模块进行支持 CIPconnect 的网络配置和诊断监控

支持 ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB) 软件,基于 Windows 的图形用户界面,提供简单的产品和网络配置

示例梯形图逻辑和附加指令 (AOI) 用于模块和处理器之间的数据传输

4 个字符、字母数字、滚动 LED 显示屏,以简明的英语显示状态和诊断数据 – 无需破译神秘的错误或报警代码

ProSoft Discovery Service (PDS) 软件,用于在网络上定位模块并分配临时 IP 地址

个性模块 - 一种非易失性工业级紧凑型闪存 (CF) 卡,用于存储网络和模块配置,以便于灾难恢复,允许通过传输 CF 卡快速更换现场产品


Modbus TCP/IP 规格

ProSoft Technology 的 Modbus TCP/IP 实现 (MNETC) 包括客户端(主站)和服务器(从站)功能

Modbus TCP/IP 服务器(从站)

支持服务端口 502 (MBAP) 的 <> 个独立服务器连接

支持服务端口 2000(封装)的 <> 个独立服务器连接

接受 Modbus 功能代码 1、2、3、4、5、6、8、15、16、17、22 和 23


Modbus TCP/IP 客户端(主站)

提供 30 个客户端连接,每个连接最多 16 个命令,可与多个服务器通信

使用 MBAP 或封装的 Modbus 消息格式,主动从 Modbus TCP/IP 设备读取数据和向 Modbus TCP/IP 设备写入数据

传输 Modbus 功能代码 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、15 和 16

ControlLogix 处理器可以编程为使用特殊功能来控制客户端上的活动,方法是从命令列表中主动选择要执行的命令(命令控制)或直接从梯形逻辑发出命令(事件命令)


错误代码、计数器和模块状态可通过服务器、客户端或通过 RSLogix™ 5000 中的梯形逻辑和控制器标记从模块内存获得



Modbus 数据类型在模块的内存数据库中重叠,因此可以方便地将相同的数据作为位级或寄存器级数据进行读取或写入。

支持可配置的浮点数据移动,包括对 Enron 或 Daniel® 浮点格式的支持

特殊功能(事件命令、命令控制、状态等)由使用 MSG 指令的消息传输(计划外)支持

客户端的可配置参数,包括 0 至 65535 毫秒的最小响应延迟和浮点支持



MVI56-MNETC 多客户端/服务器增强型网络接口模块

MVI56-MNETC 4.jpg

MVI56-MNETC 3.jpg



When you need Modbus® TCP/IP communication, the MVI56E-MNETC /MNETCXT is the module of choice. The Modbus TCP/IP Enhanced communication module allows Rockwell Automation ControlLogix® Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs) with Modicon® Programmable Automation ® Controllers (PACs) as well as multiple Modbus TCP/IP The server is compatible with instruments and devices for easy connection. The multi-client module improves performance when controlling multiple servers on a Modbus TCP/IP network by supporting up to 30 clients. It also supports up to 20 server connections and is able to communicate with other DCS and SCADA systems. Client and server functions can be run simultaneously, enabling the module to operate as a powerful data concentrator.

The MVI56E-MNETC and MVI56E-MNETCXT are functionally identical. The MVI56E-MNETC is designed for standard process applications. The MVI56E-MNETCXT is designed for the Logix-XT™ control platform, enabling it to operate in extreme environments. It can withstand higher operating temperatures and has a conformal coating to protect it from harsh or corrosive conditions.

MVI56E enhancements include configuration and management via the module's EtherNet port, and CIPconnect® technology for bridging over ControlNet and EtherNet™/IP™ networks.


Backwards compatible with previous MVI56-MNETC versions

Compatible single-slot 1756 ControlLogix backplane

10/100 Mbps automatically cross-detects Ethernet configurations and application ports

Users can define module data memory maps of up to 10,000 16-bit registers

Use the ControlLogix 1756-ENxT and 1756-CNB modules for network configuration and diagnostic monitoring that supports CIPconnect

Support ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB) software, Windows-based graphical user interface, provides simple product and network configuration

Example ladder diagram logic and additional instructions (AOI) are used for data transfer between modules and processors

A 4-character, alphanumeric, scrolling LED display displays status and diagnostic data in plain English - no need to decipher cryptic errors or alarm codes

ProSoft Discovery Service (PDS) software for locating modules on the network and assigning temporary IP addresses

Personality Module - A non-volatile industrial-grade compact flash memory (CF) card for storage network and module configuration for ease of disaster recovery, allowing quick replacement of field products by transferring CF cards

Modbus TCP/IP specifications

ProSoft Technology's Modbus TCP/IP implementation (MNETC) includes both client (master) and server (slave) functions

Modbus TCP/IP Server (Slave)

Supports the connection of <> independent servers on service port 502 (MBAP)

Supports <> independent server connections for service port 2000 (encapsulated)

Accept Modbus function codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15, 16, 17, 22 and 23

Module data can be obtained from other Modbus server devices on the network via the client or ControlLogix processor

Modbus TCP/IP Client (Master)

Provides 30 client connections with up to 16 commands per connection to communicate with multiple servers

Actively reads data from and writes data to Modbus TCP/IP devices using MBAP or encapsulated Modbus message format

Transmit Modbus function codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, and 16

The ControlLogix processor can be programmed to use special functions to control activity on the client, either by actively selecting commands to execute from a list of commands (command control) or issuing commands directly from ladder logic (event commands).

Status data

Error codes, counters, and module status are available from module memory via the server, client, or through ladder logic and controller tags in RSLogix™ 5000

Functional specification

The Modbus data types overlap in the module's in-memory database, making it easy to read or write the same data as bit-level or register-level data.

Support for configurable floating point data movement, including support for Enron or Daniel® floating point formats

Special functions (event commands, command control, status, etc.) are supported by (unplanned) message transfer using MSG instructions

Configurable parameters for the client, including minimum response latency from 0 to 65535 ms and floating-point support


MVI56-MNETC 多客户端/服务器增强型网络接口模块






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采购:MVI56-MNETC 多客户端/服务器增强型网络接口模块