PCH1026 振动传感器
● 内置3个振动传感器(加速度计);
● 在A, B和C方向上进行三轴向测量,全方位塔体监测,显示最理想的塔体监测信息;
● 监测四个独立的频率,既可监测来自每个传感器的单个频率, 也可监测来自一个传感器的4个频率;
● 对风力涡轮机和建筑物应用方面的经验形成了PCH1026可靠的滤波技术;
● 测量有效值,最大值,峰值或峰-峰值;
● 1至4个独立的4-20mA工业标准输出;
● 4个可编程的独立报警继电器和1个系统故障继电器;
● 每个报警继电器都具有独立的可编程报警阀值和延迟时间;
● 传感器和电路受内置的电子监控装置保护,故障继电器显示故障情况;
● 适用于恶劣的温湿度和电噪声干扰的环境;
● 可执行用户定义的所有监测指令。
PCH1026 振动传感器
Instrument characteristics
● Built-in 3 vibration sensors (accelerometers);
● Triaxial measurement in directions A, B and C, all-round tower monitoring, showing the optimal tower monitoring information;
● Monitor four independent frequencies, either a single frequency from each sensor or four frequencies from one sensor;
● Experience with wind turbines and building applications has led to PCH1026's reliable filtering technology;
● Measure effective value, maximum value, peak value or peak-to-peak value;
● 1 to 4 independent 4-20MA industry standard outputs;
● 4 programmable independent alarm relays and 1 system fault relay;
● Each alarm relay has an independent programmable alarm threshold and delay time;
● Sensors and circuits are protected by built-in electronic monitoring devices, fault relays show fault conditions;
● Suitable for harsh temperature and humidity and electrical noise interference environment;
● All user-defined monitoring instructions can be executed.
PCH1026 振动传感器
OVATION 1C31238H01 | Emerson Ovation | SOE卡 | WESTINGHOUSE 5X00062G01 | Emerson Ovation | 电源模块 |
OVATION 1C31233G04 | Emerson Ovation | SOE卡 | WESTINGHOUSE 1C31166G01 | Emerson Ovation | 系统备件 |
OVATION 1C31179G02 | Emerson Ovation | 远程连接卡 | WESTINGHOUSE 1C31125G02 | Emerson Ovation | PLC 模块 |
OVATION 1C31224G02 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输入卡 | WESTINGHOUSE 1C31122G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输入模块 |
OVATION 1C31222G01 | Emerson Ovation | 继电器输出卡 | EMERSON 5X00062G01 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟模块 |
OVATION 1C31223G01 | Emerson Ovation | 继电器输出卡 | EMERSON SP7411 | Emerson Ovation | 电源模块 |
OVATION 1C31227G01 | Emerson Ovation | 高速模拟量输入卡 | EMERSON SP7412 | Emerson Ovation | 电源模块 |
OVATION 1C31227G02 | Emerson Ovation | 模拟量输入卡 | EMERSON SP7431 | Emerson Ovation | 柜式变频器 |
OVATION 1C31129G04 | Emerson Ovation | DCS模块 | EMERSON SP8411 | Emerson Ovation | 驱动器 |
OVATION 5X00226G03 | Emerson Ovation | DCS卡件 | EMERSON SP8413 | Emerson Ovation | 伺服驱动器 |
OVATION 5X00226G01 | Emerson Ovation | 控制器 | EMERSON SP8414 | Emerson Ovation | 变频器 |
OVATION 5X00300G01 | Emerson Ovation | DP接口卡 | EMERSON SP8431 | Emerson Ovation | 独立机柜式驱动器 |
OVATION 5X00226G02 | Emerson Ovation | IOIC卡 | EMERSON SP9413 | Emerson Ovation | CT变频器 |
OVATION 5X00241G02 | Emerson Ovation | 控制器卡 | EMERSON SP9414 | Emerson Ovation | 伺服电机驱动器 |
OVATION 5X00063G01 | Emerson Ovation | HART模拟量输出卡1 | EMERSON SP9415 | Emerson Ovation | 变频器 |
OVATION 5X00121G01 | Emerson Ovation | 热电阻输入卡 | EMERSON SP6412 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 |
OVATION 5X00119G01 | Emerson Ovation | 热电阻输入卡 | EMERSON SP9434 | Emerson Ovation | 卡件 |