31C005-503-4-00 SEW 电磁兼容限值
制造商: | SEW-Eurodrive |
零件编号: | 31C005-503-4-00 |
描述: | SEW-Eurodrive, Frequency Inverter, 31C Series, 1.6 A, 1.9 A, 380 to 500 V ac |
观察MOVITRACE 31C电源端子的拧紧力矩:
尺寸0→15 Nm(13.3 ibin)/尺寸1 - + 0.6 Nm(5.3 ibin)/
尺寸2→15纳米(13.3磅英寸)/尺寸3和4 - + 3.5纳米(31磅英寸)
●MOVITRAC tec31c是专为在高压电力系统上运行而设计的
Ma - ins功率互感器:基于额定负载下的输入额定电流(数据→秒)。5)。
●PE市电连接(- EN 50178):如果PE导体的横截面< 10mm2 (AWG8),则a
(AWG8)必须使用。市电接线≥10mm2 (AWG8)时,采用铜PE导线
电流可以大于3.5 mA。
结。(- +第2.8.1节:F11/F12/F1 3).使用D、DO、NH型保险丝或电源断路器。
在逆变器正常工作时,电流大于3.5 mA。
31C005-503-4-00 SEW 电磁兼容限值
●Use only original Co nnection components!
Observe the tighteni ng torques of the MOVITRACE 31C power terminals:
Size0→15 Nm(13.3 Ib.in)/ Size1 - + 0.6 Nm (5.3 Ib.in)/
Size2→15 Nm (13.3 lb.in)/ Sizes3and4 - + 3.5 Nm (31 lb.in)
●Obs erve mini mum re qui re d venti| ation space of units (sufficient cooling)! L eave a minimum
clearance of 100 mm (4 in) above an d below the unit. No lat eral clearance required.
●Units must be mounted vertically. 0ther mounting positions are not p ermissible!
●The MOVITRAC园31C is designed for operation on voltage power systems with a directly
earthed neutral point (TN and TT powe r systems).
However, operation on vo ta ge power systems with a non-earthed neutral point (for examplelT
power syste ms) is also permitted. SEW recomm ends using earth-lea ka ge monitors with pulse-
co de m ea surement in volta ge systems with non-earthed neutral points (IT systems). This pre-
vents the earth ca pa citance of the inverter from inadvertently triggering the ea rthleakage mo ni-
tor. The EMC limit va lues for interference emission are not specified for volta ge systems with a
non-ea rthed neutral point (IT power systems). Line filter effectiven ess is extrem ely limited.
●With more than four units on a single mains Co nta ctor dim ensioned for the total current of all
units: connect a 3-phas e line choke in series to limit the inrush current.
Run power cabl es and ele ctronic lea ds in separate cable ducts.
Ma ins power cCa ble: based on input rated current lin at rated load (Data →Sec. 5).
●PE mains connection(-》EN 50178): If cross-section of PE conductor is < 10 mm2 (AWG8), a
second | ea d with the cross-section of the ma ins co nnect ion cable must be run parallel to the PE
conductor via separate terminals or a copper PE conductor with a cross-section of 10 mm2
(AWG8) must be used. If the mains connection cable is≥10 mm2 (AWG8), a copper PE conduc-
tor with the cro ss-section of the ma ins conn ection cable must be used. During 0 peration |ea ka ge
currents> 3.5 mA can occur.
●Motor cable: ba sed on the output rated current IN(Data- →Sec. 5).
The input fuses must be installed at the beginning of the power cable, directly after the busbar
junction. (- + Sec. 2.8.1:F11/F12/F1 3). Use fuse types D, DO, NH or power circuit br eakers.
●An earth leakage circui-breaker is not permissible as the sole protection device, as leakage
currents > 3.5 mA can occur during normal invert er operation.
●Altern ate operation of two motors from one inve rter: a changeover contactor must be provided
for each of the two motors ca bles. Changeove I contactors may only be actuated when the
inverter is disabled!
31C005-503-4-00 SEW 电磁兼容限值
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