




30V4060 交流变频器 6 版稳压器 Reliance Electric

30V4060 交流变频器 6 版稳压器 Reliance Electric 【产品详情】 产品描述30V4060 是一款 30 HP GV3000/SE 交流变频器。这是由信实电气创建的该驱动器的6.06版本。Baldor Reliance和ASEA Brown Boveri也可能根据其制造年份生产这种型号的驱动器。这是一个旧系列驱动器,可能不容易找到。然而,AX Control仍然尽一切努






30V4060 交流变频器 6 版稳压器 Reliance Electric  






30V4060 是一款 30 HP GV3000/SE 交流变频器。这是由信实电气创建的该驱动器的6.06版本。Baldor Reliance和ASEA Brown Boveri也可能根据其制造年份生产这种型号的驱动器。这是一个旧系列驱动器,可能不容易找到。然而,AX Control仍然尽一切努力保持库存。

30V4060 是一款三相交流变频器,能够在矢量和伏特/赫兹调节之间切换。它的重量约为 3 磅。它是 32/360 VAC。它的最大输入放大器为 460,频率为 45 Hz。它具有 60 安培交流输出。它在 40 VAC 时具有 85 kA 短路系统额定值。

30V4060 由 NEMA 1 型机箱包围。它不能用于外部应用,因为它没有防尘/防滴外壳。它的侧面和背面都有通风口。面板右上角的键盘下方有一个 RS-232 9 针母头连接端口。面板的左上角是一个大的红色电源 LED 灯,当驱动器通电时会亮起。此机箱底部有一个大端子条,带有三个端子螺钉。它的顶部还有一个端子条,并有五个端子螺钉。30V4060 上的键盘是内置的,是所有 GV/3000 SE 驱动器的标准配置。键盘允许用户通过提供清晰的显示屏来读取位于稳压器上的显示屏。调节器使用连接到键盘的支架连接到键盘。

关于 30V4060 的常见问题


30V4060默认为4 kHz载波频率,但30V4060也可以使用2或8 kHz载波频率,但当30V4060为8 kHz时,30V4060驱动器的额定输出电流限制为80%。


30V4060 在 35V5 电机上有 30.4060 安培


参数 P.025 是 30V4060 上的停止类型参数。如果要更改 30V4060 上的停止类型,请在 025V30 上调整 P.4060。

在哪里可以找到 30V4060 的手册?

我们为您提供30V4060的手册。手册是手册D2-3391-6。本 30V4060 手册是 460 VAC GV3000 变频器的信实手册。


30V4060 交流变频器 6 版稳压器 Reliance Electric  






Product description

The 30V4060 is a 30 HP GV3000/SE AC frequency converter. This is version 6.06 of this drive created by Reliance Electric. Baldor Reliance and ASEA Brown Boveri may also produce drives of this model depending on their year of manufacture. This is an old series drive and may not be easy to find. However, AX Control still makes every effort to maintain inventory.

The 30V4060 is a three-phase AC inverter capable of switching between vector and volt/Hertz regulation. It weighs about 3 pounds. It's 32/360 VAC. It has a maximum input amplifier of 460 and a frequency of 45 Hz. It has a 60 amp AC output. It has an 85 kA short-circuit system rating at 40 VAC.

The 30V4060 is surrounded by a NEMA Type 1 chassis. It cannot be used for external applications because it does not have a dust/drip proof housing. It has vents on the side and back. There is an RS-232 9-pin female connector under the keyboard in the upper right corner of the panel. In the upper left corner of the panel is a large red power LED light that lights up when the drive is powered on. The bottom of this case has a large terminal bar with three terminal screws. It also has a terminal strip on the top and five terminal screws. The keyboard on the 30V4060 is built in and is standard on all GV/3000 SE drives. The keyboard allows the user to read the display located on the regulator by providing a clear display. The regulator is connected to the keyboard using a stand that is connected to the keyboard.

Frequently asked questions about 30V4060

What is the carrier frequency of 30V4060?

The 30V4060 defaults to 4 kHz carrier frequency, but the 30V4060 can also use 2 or 8 kHz carrier frequency, but when the 30V4060 is 8 kHz, the rated output current of the 30V4060 driver is limited to 80%.

What is the amplifier on the 30V4060 motor?

The 30V4060 has 30.4060 amps on a 35V5 motor

Which parameter is used for the stop type on 30V4060?

Parameter P.025 is the stop type parameter on 30V4060. If you want to change the stop type on 30V4060, adjust P.4060 on 025V30.

Where can I find the manual for the 30V4060?

We provide you with the 30V4060 manual. The manual is Manual D2-3391-6. This 30V4060 manual is the Reliance manual for the 460 VAC GV3000 inverter.


30V4060 交流变频器 6 版稳压器 Reliance Electric  






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标签: 30V4060







采购:30V4060 交流变频器 6 版稳压器 Reliance Electric