2N3A8204-B 印刷电路板 2N3A8204-B
器件尺寸:2.9mm x 1.3mm x 1.0mm
2N3A8204-B电路板可称为印刷线路板或印刷电路板,英文名称为(PrintedCircuitBoard) PCB、(FlexiblePrintedCircuitboard) FPC线路板(FPC线路板又称柔性线路板柔性电路板是以聚疏亚胺或聚薄膜为基材制成的一种具有高度可靠性,的可挠性印刷电路板。具有配线密度高、重量轻、厚度薄、弯折性好的特点。)和软硬结合板(reechas,SoftandhardcombinaTlonplate).FPC与PCB的诞生与发展,催生了软硬结合板这一新产品。因此,软硬结合板,就是柔性线路板与硬性线路板,经过压合等]序,按相关工艺要求组合在一起,形成的具有FPC特性与PCB特性的线路板.
2N3A8204-B 印刷电路板 2N3A8204-B
Product parameter
Max drain voltage: -30V
Max drain current: -3.5A
Max power: 1.5W
Gate voltage range: ±20V
Product specification
Package type: SOT-23
Device size: 2.9mm x 1.3mm x 1.0mm
Welding temperature: 260°C
Storage temperature range: -55°C to 150°C
2N3A8204-B circuit board may be referred to as printed circuit board or printed circuit board, English name for the PrintedCircuitBoard (PCB), (FlexiblePrintedCircuitboard) FPC circuit board (FPC PCB flexible circuit board is also called the flexible circuit board is based on the thin imine or poly film base material made of a kind of highly reliability, Flexible printed circuit board. It has the characteristics of high wiring density, light weight, thin thickness and good bending. Combined with hard and soft board (reechas, SoftandhardcombinaTlonplate). FPC, the birth and development of the PCB plate led to the soft hard couple, the new product. Therefore, the soft and hard combined board is a flexible circuit board and a hard circuit board, which are combined according to the relevant process requirements after pressing, etc., to form a circuit board with FPC characteristics and PCB characteristics.
2N3A8204-B 印刷电路板 2N3A8204-B
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