0-57100 控制逻辑模块 控制逻辑模块 Reliance Electric
0-57100 控制逻辑模块
0-57100是信实电气有限公司的电路板组件,用于信实变频器,通常是Mini Pak Plus DC变速变频器。
0-57100用作调节器/控制逻辑模块。它已被制造商停产,不再生产。0-57100 的两侧用参考哈希标记标记,这些哈希标记在一个轴上用数字标注,在另一个轴上用字母标注。组件不带有任何类型的参考标志,但有时会标有其用途,并且通常在其表面上印有其原始制造商零件号。
0-57100 用于将硬件安装在一个角落,另外三次安装在板上的其他地方。该板有六个稍大的圆形开口切入板表面。 电路板组件包括六个电位计、两个变压器、一个继电器、几个晶体管和两个表面接线母引脚连接器。 该板还具有四个集成电路、金属膜电阻器和由铝电解、陶瓷和聚酯乙烯基等各种介质制成的电容器。该板具有多条端子引脚线。每条线往往都有某种标签,要么是单个引脚,要么是整条线。电路板的背面标有几个附加代码,包括 801416-68A。
0-57100 控制逻辑模块 控制逻辑模块 Reliance Electric
0-57100 Control logic module
The 0-57100 is a circuit board component from Reliance Electric Limited for use in Reliance inverters, usually Mini Pak Plus DC variable speed inverters.
0-57100 Used as a regulator/control logic module. It has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer produced. The sides of 0-57100 are marked with reference hash tags, which are numbered on one axis and alphabetic on the other. Components do not carry any type of reference mark, but are sometimes labeled for their purpose and are usually stamped with their original manufacturer part number on their surface.
The 0-57100 is used to mount the hardware in one corner and the other three times to mount it elsewhere on the board. The plate has six slightly larger circular openings cut into the plate surface. The board assembly consists of six potentiometers, two transformers, a relay, several transistors, and two surface-wired female pin connectors. The board also features four integrated circuits, metal film resistors and capacitors made of various media such as aluminum electrolysis, ceramics and polyester vinyl. The board has a plurality of terminal pins. Each line tends to have some sort of label, either for a single pin or for the entire line. The back of the board is marked with several additional codes, including 801416-68A.
For additional information, please refer to technical support publications such as user guides, manuals or data sheets originally provided by Reliance Electric for this product. Boards like these are sometimes sold as part of Baldor-Reliance and ABB production lines. If you have any questions about the compatibility between the current component and this replacement product, please contact our staff; They will be happy to provide you with more information.
0-57100 控制逻辑模块 控制逻辑模块 Reliance Electric
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