HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM 处理器
HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM 处理器
HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM 处理器是一种总线制控制接口,可用于完成对二步降防火卷帘门、水泵、排烟风机等双动作设备的控制。主要用于防火卷帘门的位置控制,能控制其从上位到中位,也能控制其从中位到下位,同时也能确认防火卷帘门是处于上、中、下的哪一位。该模块也可作为两个独立的GST-LD-8301输入/输出模块使用。HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM 处理器具有两个编码地址,两个编码地址连续,最大编码为242,可接收来自控制器的二次不同动作的命令,具有二次不同控制输出和确认二个不同输入回答信号的功能。此模块所需输入信号为常开开关信号,一旦开关信号动作,GST-LD-8303将此开关信号通过联动总线送入控制器,联动控制器产生报警并显示出动作设备的地址号。当模块本身出现故障时,控制器也将产生报警并将模块编号显示出来。本模块具有两对常开、常闭触点及两组有源输出,输入、输出具有检线功能。HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM 处理器的编码方式为电子编码,在编入一个编码地址后,另一个编码地址自动生成为:编入地址+1。
HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM 处理器当发生过载或过电压等异常时,为了防止逆变器和异步电动机损坏。工业世界联网程度的提升有一个关键问题:如果发生网络攻击且攻击成功,后果不堪设想,比如,网络罪犯入侵计算机系统并切断城市供电或供水。而且,不仅网络犯罪团伙会盯上ICS,民族国家黑客也常将ICS列为攻击敌对国关键基础设施的入口点。正如2017年6月NotPetya数据清除恶意软件爆发所展现的,ICS已经成为网络犯罪的主要目标。然而,很多工控设备都面临安全措施老化过时的风险,需要进行替换或升级。如何应对ICS面临网络攻击风险的事实?公共事业机构该从哪里开始防御这种之前从未考虑过的威胁?
HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM 处理器
HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM processor is a bus control interface, which can be used to complete the control of double-action equipment such as two-step fire shutter door, water pump and smoke exhaust fan. It is mainly used to control the position of the fire shutter door, which can control it from the upper position to the middle position, and also control it from the middle position to the lower position. At the same time, it can also confirm which position the fire shutter door is in. This module can also be used as two independent GST-LD-8301 input/output modules. HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM processor has two coded addresses, and the two coded addresses are continuous, and the maximum code is 242. It can receive the command of two different actions from the controller, and has the functions of controlling the output twice and confirming two different input response signals. The required input signal of this module is a normally open switch signal. Once the switch signal acts, GST-LD-8303 sends the switch signal to the controller through the linkage bus, and the linkage controller generates an alarm and displays the address number of the operating equipment. When the module itself fails, the controller will also generate an alarm and display the module number. This module has two pairs of normally open and normally closed contacts and two groups of active outputs, and the input and output have the function of line inspection. The encoding method of HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM processor is electronic encoding. After encoding one encoding address, another encoding address is automatically generated as: encoding address +1.
HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM processor in order to prevent the inverter and asynchronous motor from being damaged when overload or overvoltage occurs. There is a key problem in improving the degree of networking in the industrial world: if a cyber attack occurs and succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable. For example, cyber criminals invade computer systems and cut off urban power or water supply. Moreover, not only cyber criminal gangs will target ICS, but also hackers in nation-state often list ICS as the entry point to attack the key infrastructure of hostile countries. ICS has become the main target of cyber crime, as shown by the outbreak of malicious software in NotPetya data cleaning in June 2017. However, many industrial control equipment are facing the risk of outdated safety measures and need to be replaced or upgraded. How to deal with the fact that ICS faces the risk of cyber attacks? Where should public utilities start to defend against this threat that has never been considered before?
HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM 处理器
Foxbore (福克斯波罗) : I/A Series 系统,FBM 全系列(现场输入/输出模块)
Vestinghouse (西屋) : 1C31 系列DCS系统、CPU、OVATI0N 系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。
Triconex (英维思) :冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR) 结构的现代化的容错控制器。
EMERSON (艾默生) :模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
Bently (本特利) : 3500/3300 系统。
Rockwell (罗克韦尔) : ICS 系统。;
ABB: PM全系列DCS系统、ICT高压变频器系列、工业机器人备件DSQC系列、INFI 90等。
Bailey (贝利) : BRC 系列DCS系统等。
Allen-Bradley: 1756、 1785、 1771、 1746 全系列系统等。
Yokogawa (横河) : CP系列等。
Honeywell (霍尼韦尔) : TK/TC/CC 系统等。
Reliance (瑞恩) : 57C 系列等。
Modicon (莫迪康) : AS系列PLC系统备件。
Motorola (摩托罗拉) : MVME 162、 MVME 167、 MYVME1772、MVME177等系列。
XYCOM: I/0、VmeE 板和处理器等。
GE (通用电气) : IC698/IC697 全系列PLC系统、模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
Yaskawa (安川) :伺服控制器、伺服马达、伺服驱动器。
Bosch Rexroth (博世力士乐) : Indramat, I/O模块,电机,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
Woodward (伍德沃德) : SPC 阀位控制器、PEAK150 数字控制器。
WINGREEN 自动化控制模块