





产品名称:威达蓄电池6-FM-4.5容量:12V4.5AH质保:1年寿命:3年电池特性:规范系列浮充寿数可达8~10年  6-FM系列特色:  1.长期放电特性。  2.适用于备用和储能电源运用。  3.特别的极板规划,循环运用寿数长。  4.特别的铅钙合金配方,增强了板栅的耐腐蚀性,延长了电池运用寿数。  5.专用隔板增强了电池内部功用。  6.热容量大,减少了热失控的危险,不易干枯,可在较恶劣









  ◆ 优胜的负载特性
  ◆ 完善的维护功用
  ◆ 高功用的动态特性
  ◆ 可选的输入谐波滤波器或12脉冲整流器
  ◆ 可选的电池巡检模块
  ◆ 个性化的设置
  可根据用户用电要求对UPS进行作业状况设置,用户可选 UPS作业形式、ECO节能作业形式、EPS作业形式。
  电池循环寿数的终结为正极板铅膏发作软化,形成上述情况的原因, R.F. Nelson等人以为,恒压限流充电形式下,进行循环的电他正极板正常,而负极板有部分外表搜盖了白色的硫酸铅层,因为此办法充电时.到充电后期充电电流很小.而这一电流消耗于氧气在负极板的再复合.然后使得电池负极板在循环进程中长期处于欠充状况致使发作负极板硫酸盐化;而后一种充电形式克服了前一仲充电形式的不足。

Product name: Vida Battery 6-FM-4.5

Capacity: 12V4.5AH

Warranty: 1 year

Life span: 3 years

Battery characteristics: The standard series floating charge life can reach 8 ~ 10 years

6-FM Series Features:

1. Long-term discharge characteristics.

2. Suitable for backup and energy storage power supply.

3. Special plate planning, long cycle life.

4. The special lead-calcium alloy formula enhances the corrosion resistance of the grid and prolongs the service life of the battery.

5. Special partition enhances the internal function of the battery.

6. Large heat capacity, reduce the risk of thermal runaway, not easy to dry, can be used in harsh environments.

7. High gas recombination efficiency.

8. Water loss is rarely without electrolyte layer phenomenon.

9. Long storage period.

10. Outstanding deep discharge rehabilitation function.

11. The selection of fumed silica particle size is small, larger than the surface.

12. The self-discharge rate is very low, and the customary temperature scale is wide.

13. Use valve-controlled safety valve, safe and reliable.

Ambient temperature

The normal operating temperature of the lead-acid battery is 20-4 ° C, and the better operating temperature is 25 ° C. When the temperature rises by 5 ° C, the service life of the battery decreases by 10%, and the heat is simply out of control.

Ambient humidity

The operating humidity of the lead-acid battery should be 5^- 95% "no condensation) of the lad, the ambient humidity is too high, will condensation on the surface of the battery, simple short circuit; the ambient humidity is too low, simple static electricity.


Too much dust, simple lead acid battery short circuit, safety valve blocking failure.

Functional advantages:

◆ Excellent load characteristics

Complete load jumps from 0 to 100% without switching to bypass and maintaining stable and reliable output.

◆ Perfect maintenance function

With excellent input and output over and under voltage maintenance, input surge maintenance, phase sequence maintenance, battery over charge and over discharge maintenance, output overload and short circuit maintenance, high temperature maintenance and other system maintenance and alarm functions.

◆ Dynamic characteristics of high function

A variety of response controls such as instantaneous control and effective value are selected to achieve high dynamic adjustment and reduce the distortion of output voltage.

◆ Optional input harmonic filter or 12-pulse rectifier

Effectively control the input harmonic pollution, improve the input power factor of UPS, reduce the input harmonic current.

◆ Optional battery inspection module

Individual parameters can be measured and displayed on the display board. If there is a battery fault immediately alarm, tell the administrator.

◆ Personalized Settings

The UPS can be set according to the user's power requirements. The user can choose UPS operation mode, ECO energy-saving operation mode, and EPS operation mode.

The end of the battery cycle life is the positive plate lead paste attack softening, forming the cause of the above situation, R.F. Nelson et al., in the form of constant voltage and current limiting charging, the circulating electrode plate is normal, and the negative plate has a part of the surface covered with white lead sulfate layer, because this method is charged. The charging current is very small in the late charging period. This current is consumed by the recombination of oxygen on the negative plate. Then, the negative plate of the battery is undercharged for a long time during the cycle process, resulting in sulfation of the negative plate. The latter charging form overcomes the shortcomings of the former charging form.

Battery instruction

(1) Methods of application

1. The red electrode of the battery is positive, and the black electrode is negative. Connect the battery correctly.

2. The battery is delivered on charge, and users can use it directly. If the factory time is longer, it should be supplemented before use;

3. The connection of the battery device and the line should be carried out by professionals.

(2) Maintenance and precautions

1, the battery should be stored in room temperature, dry, clean and ventilated environment, prevent direct sunlight, away from heat sources;

2, adhere to the battery external and wiring clean, boring;

3. It is recommended to charge the battery in the room temperature environment, and insulation and anti-freezing measures should be adopted in winter;

4, adhere to the battery side pores dredging;

6, electrolyte on the skin, eyes, clothing, etc., have a corrosive effect, should pay attention to guard against electrolyte overflow.

(3) Common problems:

1, overdischarge: because the user uses the equipment without low-voltage maintenance, to ensure that the battery is not low more than 10V recharge;

2, charging and reverse: if seriously connected to reverse charging, the voltage will be charged lower and lower, and try to prevent;

3, battery short circuit: battery short circuit will cause the battery to burn out, and even rise until obsolete;

4, battery no voltage: the battery has been damaged, stop using;

5, the rise of the battery: internal plate short circuit directly scrapped to stop use;

6, liquid overflow: liquid should be scrubbed clean to avoid corrosion of other metal items, a few overflow does not affect the use;

7, transport crack: the formation of crack should be stopped.

The correct selection of UPS backup three rui battery capacity is crucial to the normal operation of UPS. The selection of small battery capacity is not only unsatisfactory for UPS backup moments, but also because the battery discharge rate is too large, which seriously affects the function and service life of the battery, and brings great hidden dangers to the stable operation of the system.

Battery capacity (ah) refers to the product of the constant current (A) that can be supplied by the battery when the stop voltage is indicated at a given time and the time of continued discharge (h) at a standardized ambient temperature. After determining the UPS brand and backup moment. According to the constant power discharge data table or cross-flow discharge curve supplied in the battery brand sample data, the model and capacity of the battery can be calculated and determined by power method, estimation method and power supply method.

标签: 威达蓄电池6-FM-4






