193-ECM-DNT 过载继电器 设备网络
E300™ 和 E200™ 电子过载继电器是目前最新的过载保护产品。 其采用模块化设计,提供丰富的通信选项
和诊断信息,接线更简便,并且能够整合 Logix 技术,因此是自动化系统电机控制应用的理想之选。
E300/E200 继电器由感应、控制和通信模块组成。 每种模块都提供多种选择,可根据确切的应用需
求量身定制电子过载继电器。 可根据是否具有通信模块确定完整组装的设备是 E300 还是 E200 过载
E300/E200 电子过载继电器是目前最新的过载保护产品。其采用模块化设计,提供丰富的通信选项和诊断信息,接线更简便,
并且能够整合 Logix 技术,因此是自动化系统电机控制应用的理想之选。
E300 过载继电器提供多种通信选项。除双端口 EtherNet/IP 连接外,继电器现在还支持 DeviceNet (单端口)。
E200 过载继电器(使用参数配置模块)是另一种通信模块选件,适用于未连接网络(远程应用)的电子电机过载保护应用。
E200 过载继电器属于 E300 产品系列,可使用 Connected Components Workbench 软件进行配置。 E200 继电器具有一个 B 型
USB 接口,三个可用于为应用设置 FLA 的转盘,以及一个可用于选择脱扣等级和功能的 8 位 DIP 开关。
注:在本文档中, E300 和 E200 基本可以互换。配置有 193-ECM-PCM 通信选件的过载系统与 E200 组件相关。
有关本产品操作和维护的详细信息,请参阅用户手册,出版号 193-UM015
193-ECM-DNT 过载继电器 设备网络
E300™ and E200™ electronic overload relays are the latest overload protection products available today. Its modular design provides a wealth of communication options
With easier wiring and diagnostic information, and the ability to integrate Logix technology, it is ideal for motor control applications in automated systems.
The E300/E200 relay consists of sensing, control and communication modules. Each module offers a variety of options, depending on the exact application needs
Tailor made electronic overload relays. It is possible to determine whether a fully assembled device is E300 or E200 overloaded depending on whether it has a communication module
E300/E200 electronic overload relay is the latest overload protection product. Its modular design provides a wealth of communication options and diagnostic information, easier wiring,
It also integrates Logix technology, making it ideal for motor control applications in automated systems.
The E300 overload relay offers a variety of communication options. In addition to dual-port EtherNet/IP connectivity, relays now also support DeviceNet (single-port).
The E200 overload relay (using the parameter configuration module) is another communication module option for electromotor overload protection applications that are not connected to a network (remote applications).
The E200 overload relay belongs to the E300 product family and can be configured using the Connected Components Workbench software. The E200 relay has a Type B
USB interface, three turntables that can be used to set the FLA for the application, and an 8-bit DIP switch that can be used to select trip levels and functions.
Note: In this document, E300 and E200 are basically interchangeable. Overload systems configured with 193-ECM-PCM communication options are associated with E200 components.
For more information on the operation and maintenance of this product, please refer to the User Manual, Publication No. 193-UM015
193-ECM-DNT 过载继电器 设备网络
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