ABB LTC391AE01 HIEE401782R0001 接口板模块
该版本的亮点包括:提高操作员效率:系统800xA 5.1包括高级警报管理功能,可帮助用户实施成功的警报管理策略,并为操作人员提供更好的控制室和其他操作位置之间的职责控制。新的警报搁置和警报分析功能已添加到已经很长的警报管理功能列表中,以帮助控制警报。新版本还包括一个新的控制点功能,可在关键时期(例如换班)改善操作员的协调,从而提供更安全的操作环境。改进的工程和变更管理:新版本的800xA系统包括多项工程改进,例如在设计FOUNDATION Fieldbus项目时简化批量数据处理,以及新的和改进的批处理程序编辑器。此外,两项新功能改进并简化了变更管理程序。任务分析工具让用户可以根据下载前分配的当前任务速率评估他/她的应用程序将执行。详细差异报告提供了一种轻松查看在控制应用程序和图形中所做的更改的方法,并在易于阅读的用户界面中提供了一份确切的修改、添加或删除内容的报告。改进的性能:几项性能增强使System 800xA已经强大的控制和I/O产品更加通用、灵活和可扩展新版本包括AC800M控制器系列的新成员PM891。
PM891的时钟速度(450Mhz)是其前身的三倍,内存是其前身的四倍,可帮助客户事半功倍,因为他们需要更少的控制器来满足复杂应用的处理要求。该控制器还设计用于为上一代ABB和第三方控制器平台执行1-1控制器演进项目。减少占地面积新版本的System 800xA支持虚拟化,可将安装所需的物理PC数量减少多达75%。这种显着减少的占地面积还降低了能源消耗和维护要求。此外,系统800xA的FOUNDATION现场总线架构的改进大大降低了其高速以太网(HSE)网络方法的基础设施要求,将可连接到一个节点的设备数量增加了400%。增强的可维护性:基于以用户为中心的设计实践,新版本的System 800xA包括一个系统管理控制台和一个安全更新工具,以帮助保持系统在水平上安全运行。安全更新工具将允许用户从Microsoft下载安全补丁并将其与ABB的合格列表进行交叉匹配。然后,用户可以创建一组可加载的受支持、经过测试的安全更新,这些更新可以推广到系统800xA。这有助于用户节省宝贵的时间和精力,同时提供更强大、更安全的系统。改进的连接性:System 800xA通信接口产品组合得到增强,可帮助用户进一步利用其强大的集成功能。其中包括用于PROFINET、DeviceNet和WirelessHART的新通信接口。系统800xA的基金会现场总线接口现在也支持EDDL。这些接口使客户更容易访问和使用来自智能仪器的诊断数据,无论制造商或物理设备位置。为了提供与电气系统更深入、更的集成,系统800xA的IEC61850通信接口功能已通过增加每个通信接口卡支持的智能电气设备(IED)的数量以及改进警报和事件支持而得到增强。通过在通用800xA平台上集成电源和过程系统,客户可以优化其电气和自动化系统的设计和性能,并在降低维护、工程和整体生命周期方面获得更多根据ARC的说法,通过集成这两个通常独立的自动化基础设施,典型的节省可以使CAPEX(资本支出)和OPEX(运营支出)减少20%。ABB的扩展自动化系统800xA提高了工业生产力、安全性、几乎每个行业和每个地区的客户,从石油和天然气、石化、纸浆和造纸、水泥和采矿等加工行业到传统的电力和水利设施,再到太阳能、垃圾焚烧等替代能源生产能源和生物乙醇。自2004年推出以来,ABB的IndustrialIT Extended Automation System 800xA已销售给各行各业的6,000多家新老ABB客户。这个数字包括新系统安装,以及现有ABB系统升级到800xA。系统800xA是许多的行业特定自动化应用程序的基础。从一开始就设计为一个集成平台,它已被证明可以促进协作,提高操作员效率,实现无缝控制解决方案,并通过集成多样化的、通常独立的工厂系统、应用程序、信息或现场总线和控制器平台提供灵活的演进路径。
ABB LTC391AE01 HIEE401782R0001 接口板模块
Interface board module
ABB robots provide a rich I/O communication interface, which can easily realize the communication table with peripheral devices.
Description of ABB robot I/O communication interface
1. ABB standard I/O board provides common signal processing with digital input di, digital output do, mode
Proposed input ai, simulated output AO, and delivery chain tracking.
2, ABB robot can choose the standard ABB PLC, eliminating the original communication with external PLC
The letter is troublesome to set up, and the operation related to PLC can be realized on the robot's demonstrator.
Improved Operator efficiency: System 800xA 5.1 includes advanced alarm management features that help users implement successful alarm management strategies and provide operators with better control of responsibilities between control rooms and other operating locations. New alert shelving and alert analysis features have been added to the already long list of alert management features to help control alerts. The new version also includes a new control point feature that improves operator coordination during critical periods, such as shift changes, providing a safer operating environment. Improved engineering and change management: The new version of the 800xA system includes several engineering improvements, such as simplified batch data processing when designing FOUNDATION Fieldbus projects, and a new and improved batch program editor. In addition, two new features improve and simplify the change management process. The task analysis tool allows the user to evaluate what his/her application will perform based on the current task rate assigned before downloading. The Detailed Difference report provides an easy way to see the changes made in the control application and graphics, and provides an exact report of what was modified, added, or removed in an easy-to-read user interface. Improved performance: Several performance enhancements make the System 800xA's already powerful control and I/O offerings more versatile, flexible, and scalable.
With three times the clock speed (450Mhz) and four times the memory of its predecessor, the PM891 helps customers do more with less because they need fewer controllers to meet the processing requirements of complex applications. The controller is also designed to perform 1-1 controller evolution projects for previous generation ABB and third-party controller platforms. Reduced footprint The new version of System 800xA supports virtualization, reducing the number of physical PCS required for installation by up to 75%. This significantly reduced footprint also reduces energy consumption and maintenance requirements. In addition, improvements to the FOUNDATION fieldbus architecture of System 800xA significantly reduce the infrastructure requirements of its high-speed Ethernet (HSE) networking approach, increasing the number of devices that can be connected to a node by 400%. Enhanced maintainability: Based on user-centered design practices, the new version of System 800xA includes a system administration console and a security update tool to help keep the system running safely and horizontally. The Security Update tool will allow users to download security patches from Microsoft and cross-match them with ABB's qualifying list. Users can then create a set of loadable, supported, tested security updates that can be rolled out to System 800xA. This helps users save valuable time and effort while providing a more robust and secure system. Improved connectivity: The System 800xA communication interface portfolio has been enhanced to help users take further advantage of its powerful integration capabilities. These include new communication interfaces for PROFINET, DeviceNet and WirelessHART. The Foundation fieldbus interface for System 800xA now also supports EDDL. These interfaces make it easier for customers to access and use diagnostic data from smart instruments, regardless of manufacturer or physical device location. To provide deeper and more integrated electrical systems, the IEC61850 communication interface capabilities of System 800xA have been enhanced by increasing the number of intelligent electrical devices (IEDs) supported by each communication interface card and by improving alarm and event support. By integrating power and process systems on the common 800xA platform, customers can optimize the design and performance of their electrical and automation systems and gain more in terms of reduced maintenance, engineering and overall lifecycle. Typical savings can reduce CAPEX (capital expenditure) and OPEX (operating expenditure) by 20%. ABB's extended automation system 800xA improves industrial productivity, safety and security for customers in virtually every industry and region, from processing industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, cement and mining, to traditional power and water utilities, to alternative energy sources such as solar power and waste incineration to produce energy and bioethanol. Since its launch in 2004, ABB's IndustrialIT Extended Automation System 800xA has been sold to more than 6,000 new and existing ABB customers across a wide range of industries. This figure includes new system installations and upgrades of existing ABB systems to 800xA. System 800xA is the basis for many industry-specific automation applications. Designed from the ground up as an integrated platform, it has been proven to facilitate collaboration, increase operator efficiency, enable seamless control solutions, and provide a flexible evolutionary path by integrating diverse, often independent plant systems, applications, information or fieldbus and controller platforms.
ABB LTC391AE01 HIEE401782R0001 接口板模块
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