ABBUFC718AE01 HIEE300936R0001 系统模块
ABBUFC718AE01 HIEE300936R0001 系统模块
ABB UFC718AEO1 HIEE300936R0001 特定于应用程序的代码
UFC718AE01 HIEE300936R001 PC/104和PC/104+是标准的例子现成的用于小型、低容量嵌入式和加固系统的计算机主板。这些系统大多基于x86,与标准PC相比通常体积较小,但与最简单的(8/16位)嵌入式系统相比仍然很大。他们可能会使用磁盘操作系统,Linux操作系统,NetBSD、或嵌入式实时操作系统(RTOS)比如MicroC/OS-I,QNX或者VxWorks。
UFC718AEO1 HIEE300936R0001 在小尺寸或功率效率不是主要考虑的某些应用中,所使用的组件可以与通用x86个人计算机中使用的组件兼容。电路板,如VIAEPIArange有助于弥补这一差距,它与PC兼容,但高度集成,物理尺寸更小,或者具有其他属性,对嵌入式工程师具有吸引力。这种方法的优点是低成本的商品组件可以与用于一般软件开发的相同软件开发工具一起使用。以这种方式构建的系统仍然被认为是嵌入式的因为它们被集成到更大的设备中并履行单一的角色。可以采用这种方法的设备的例子有自动柜员机(自动柜员机)和街机,其中包含特定于应用程序的代码。
ABBUFC718AE01 HIEE300936R0001 系统模块
ABB UFC718AEO1 HIEE300936R0001 Application-specific code
UFC718AE01 HIEE300936R001 PC/104 and PC/104+ are standard examples of off-the-shelf computer motherboards for small, low-capacity embedded and hardened systems. Most of these systems are based on x86 and are generally small in size compared to standard PCS, but still large compared to the simplest (8/16-bit) embedded systems. They may use disk operating systems,Linux operating systems,NetBSD, or embedded real-time operating systems (RTOS) such as MicroC/OS-I,QNX, or VxWorks.
UFC718AEO1 HIEE300936R0001 In some applications where small size or power efficiency is not a primary consideration, the components used are compatible with those used in general-purpose x86 personal computers. Boards such as the VIAEPIArange help bridge this gap, being PC-compatible but highly integrated, physically smaller, or having other attributes that make them attractive to embedded engineers. The advantage of this approach is that low-cost commodity components can be used with the same software development tools used for general software development. Systems built in this way are still considered embedded because they are integrated into larger devices and fulfill a single role. Examples of devices that can take this approach are automated teller machines (ATMs) and arcades, which contain application-specific code.
ABBUFC718AE01 HIEE300936R0001 系统模块