ABB IDPG 940128102控制器模块
ABB IDPG 940128102控制器模块
IDPG 940128102 ABB数字革命也产生了许多应用数据传输原理的数字电信应用。例子包括第二代(1991年)及以后蜂窝电话,电视会议,数字电视(1998),数字收音机(1999年),以及遥感勘测。 数据传输、数字传输或数字通信是在点对点或点对多点通信信道上传输数据。这种信道的例子包括铜线、光纤、无线通信信道、存储介质和计算机总线。数据表示为电磁信号例如电压、无线电波、微波或红外光。 IDPG 940128102 ABB模拟传输是通过模拟信道传输连续变化的模拟信号,而数字通信是通过数字或模拟信道传输离散信息。使用数字调制方法,通过线路编码(基带传输)由脉冲序列表示消息,或者通过有限的一组连续变化的波形(通带传输)表示消息。通带调制和相应的解调(也称为检测)由调制解调器设备执行。根据数字信号最常见的定义,表示比特流的基带和通带信号都被认为是数字传输,而另一种定义仅将基带信号视为数字,将数字数据的通带传输视为数模转换的一种形式。
ABB IDPG 940128102控制器模块
IDPG 940128102 ABB digital revolution has also produced many digital telecommunication applications applying the principle of data transmission. Examples include the second generation (1991) and later cellular phones, video conferencing, digital TV (1998), digital radio (1999), and remote sensing survey. Data transmission, digital transmission or digital communication is to transmit data on point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channels. Examples of such channels include copper wires, optical fibers, wireless communication channels, storage media, and computer buses. Data is represented as electromagnetic signals such as voltage, radio waves, microwaves or infrared light. IDPG 940128102 ABB analog transmission transmits continuously changing analog signals through analog channels, while digital communication transmits discrete information through digital or analog channels. Using digital modulation method, the message is represented by pulse sequence through line coding (baseband transmission) or by a limited set of continuously changing waveforms (passband transmission). Passband modulation and corresponding demodulation (also called detection) are performed by modem devices. According to the most common definition of digital signal, both baseband and passband signals representing bit streams are considered as digital transmission, while another definition only regards baseband signals as digital signals and passband transmission of digital data as a form of digital-to-analog conversion.
ABB IDPG 940128102控制器模块