☆型号:REG670 发电机保护 采用先进创新的滤波技术
REG670 IED(智能电子设备)为水电站、抽水蓄能站、燃气站、联合循环站、蒸汽站和热电联产站中的发电机、原动机和升压变压器提供保护和监控。凭借出色的性能、灵活性和可扩展性,它满足了世界各个角落对新安装和改造的苛刻要求。
基于日立能源的丰富经验,REG670将发电机保护提升到一个新的性能水平。多达 24 个模拟输入允许将主保护和备用保护集成在一个 IED 中。或者,其他物体(如变压器)可以包含在发电机保护范围内。这样就可以完全复制主 1 和主 2 中的保护。这些功能可以减少保护整个发电站所需的简易爆炸装置数量,同时提高可用性。这反过来又简化了安装,并降低了与调试、维护和备件相关的生命周期成本。REG670功能还集成了智能故障标准,确保了无与伦比的选择性和灵敏度。
REG670的发电机保护方案满足了对最大可靠性和可用性的要求。发电机差动保护具有极快的检测标准,典型运行时间为 15 ms;同时保持高安全性。
在众多可用功能中,REG670 可以包括基于注入的 100% 定子和转子接地故障保护以及基于三次谐波的 100% 定子接地故障保护。这些解决方案提供了一种新方法,可以根据发电站的重要性或规模来优化保护系统的性价比。日立能源创新地实施了喷射原理,允许通过中性点VT甚至通过位于发电机端子的开三角VT进行喷射。由于无需对初级电路或接地电阻进行任何更改,因此保护系统的设计、安装和调试既简单又快捷。基于三次谐波的 100% 定子接地故障保护采用差分原理,提供高灵敏度和安全性。这确保了即使在低负载条件下也能正确运行。
Relion – 完全自信
发电机保护 REG670 和 REG650 IED 是 Relion 保护和控制产品系列的成员。Relion产品系列为电力系统的保护、控制、测量和监控提供了最广泛的产品。为确保可互操作且面向未来的解决方案,Relion 产品旨在实现 IEC 61850 标准的核心价值。凭借日立能源的领先技术、全球应用知识和经验丰富的支持网络,您可以完全确信您的系统在任何情况下都能可靠运行。
☆型号:REG670 发电机保护 采用先进创新的滤波技术
The REG670 IED (Intelligent Electronics) protects and monitors generators, prime movers and boost transformers in hydroelectric, pumped storage, gas, combined cycle, steam and cogeneration stations. With outstanding performance, flexibility and scalability, it meets the demanding requirements for new installations and retrofits in all corners of the world.
Building on Hitachi Energy's extensive experience, the REG670 takes generator protection to a new level of performance. Up to 24 analog inputs allow primary and standby protection to be integrated in a single IED. Alternatively, other objects (such as transformers) can be included in the generator protection. This makes it possible to fully replicate the protection in master 1 and master 2. These features can reduce the number of IEDs needed to protect an entire power station while improving availability. This in turn simplifies installation and reduces life cycle costs associated with commissioning, maintenance and spare parts. The REG670 feature also integrates intelligent failure standards, ensuring unmatched selectivity and sensitivity.
The REG670 uses advanced and innovative filtering technology to also provide integrated sub-synchronous resonance protection for turbines and generators.
The REG670's generator protection solution meets the requirements for maximum reliability and availability. Generator differential protection has a very fast test standard, typical run time of 15 ms; While maintaining high security.
Among the many available features, the REG670 can include 100% injected stator and rotor ground fault protection and 100% stator ground fault protection based on third harmonics. These solutions offer a new way to optimize the cost performance of a protection system depending on the importance or size of the power station. Hitachi Energy has innovatively implemented the injection principle, allowing injection through the neutral point VT and even through the open triangle VT located at the generator terminal. Since no changes are required to the primary circuit or ground resistance, the design, installation and commissioning of the protection system is simple and fast. 100% stator ground fault protection based on third harmonic uses differential principle to provide high sensitivity and safety. This ensures correct operation even under low load conditions.
Relion - Totally confident
Generator Protection The REG670 and REG650 IED are members of Relion's protection and control product family. The Relion product family offers the broadest range of products for the protection, control, measurement and monitoring of power systems. To ensure interoperable and future-proof solutions, Relion products are designed to achieve the core values of the IEC 61850 standard. With Hitachi Energy's leading technology, global application knowledge and experienced support network, you can be completely confident that your system will operate reliably under any circumstances.
☆型号:REG670 发电机保护 采用先进创新的滤波技术
TVB3101-1ISC 1381-644957-16 1308-644957-12 TEL | Motorola FLN3524A | ALSTOM AB121 | PPC322BE HIEE300900R1 | VE4050E1C0 |
TVB6003-1EIMC 1381-648241-12 TEL | ATB FLA 6041 ND080F0110 | ALSTOM AL132 AL132A STO0982E01 | PPC380AE01 HIEE300885R1 | VE6041F01C1 |
VME-U10B 381-641697-5 | FM020 HIMA | ALSTOM AH116 | PPC380AE102 HIEE300885R0102 | VF1406M |
A-B 1394C-SJT22-A | FM171 HIMA | ALSTOM IR139 | PPC902CE101 3BHE028959R0101 | VFD_6713 |
AB 1756-RM A | Hollysys FM146B | ALSTOM AS111 | PPC905AE101 3BHE014070R0101 | VFD4A8MS21ANSAA plc |
A-B 1769-L32E | FM212 HIMA | ALSTOM LE109A | PPC905AE101 3BHE014070R0101 3BHE014071P201 -2 | VIGA-03-FB-4-5P0L 175641 plc |
ABB PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020 2 | FM265 HIMA | ALSTOM UT150 | PPC905AE101 3BHE014070R0101 -4 | VLB20120 |
ABB PFSK152 3BSE018877R1 | FM265 HIMA | ALSTOM AS111 | PPC907BE 3BHE024577R0101 | VLC-16160 plc |
ABB PP877K 3BSE069274R1 | FM801 HIMA | BENTLY 3500-22M 288055-01 | PPCC322BE HIEE300900R0001 -3 | VME172PA-652SE |
ABB PPD113B01-10-150000 3BHE023784R1023 2 | FNT-0050 HIMA | EATON DPM-MC2 | PPD113B01-10-150000 3BHE023784R1023 -1 | VMIPCI-5565-110000 |
ABB REF542plus 1VCR007346 G0012 | FPS400-24 HIMA | EATON XV-442-57CQB-1-10 | PPE091A101 3BHE044481R0101 | VMIVME-5565 |
ABB 1MRS050775 1 | FRC-1-D-DI-MAXI-A PLC | FCP270 P0917YZ | PPT VISION 661-0337 PPT5200 | VMIVME-7740-840 350-07740-840-M3 |
ABB 5SHY3545L0020 | FRS800B HIMA | GE IC660ELB912J | PQMII-T20 | VMIVME-7750 |
ABB 5SHY4045L0004 | FSA80 HIMA | KOKUSAI CXP-544A KOMS-A2 | PR937620 EPRO | VMIVME-7807 |
ABB 70PR05B-ES | FS-SAI-1620MA PLC | GE IC660ELB921M | PR6423002-001-CN -3 EPRO | VN11587-EMC |
ABB CI854AK01 3BSE030220R1 | FS-SDO-0824 PLC | KOKUSAI SMPCONT-A3B | PR6423010-010-CN EPRO | VP325 02X PLC |
ABB CI857K01 3BSE018144R1 | Honeywell FTA-T-02 | NI SCXI-1162 | PR9268201-000 EPRO | VP2500 PLC |