8404-213 集成速度控制 具有广泛的燃油限制设置
伍德沃德 8404-213 型号是 ProAct 集成速度控制,这是 PISC III 执行器。该型号是 ProAct 和 ProAct Plus 执行器和驱动器系列的一部分,可与许多不同的驱动器一起使用,即 8235-360、8235-350 和 8235-351 型号。在PISC III执行器和上述部件之间,总重量将近八十磅,因此在安装两者时请小心。因此,PISC III型号只能安装在底座上,以避免对两个单元产生不必要的压力。
8404-213 型号具有广泛的燃油限制设置,包括但不限于瞬态燃油限制时间、稳态燃油限制和运行时间燃油限制等。在运行时间燃油限制设置中,还有许多不同的模式,这些模式如下:增压燃油限制、无、有瞬态和无瞬态的运行时间燃油限制以及运行时间燃油限制曲线。如果有一条基于速度的曲线决定了燃油限制百分比,这就是所谓的运行时间燃油限制曲线。
与 8404-213 一起使用的主要手册是 26246 ProAct ISC 集成速度控制执行器 I 型到 IV 型,由于本手册涵盖了 ProAct 系列中的所有执行器型号,因此没有可以使用特定部件的手册。
8404-213 型的电流容量为 15 A,熔断快速熔断为 20 A。 请注意,输入电源的熔断对于确保没有危险至关重要,例如控制阀损坏、人身伤害以及在可怕情况下发生爆炸。
8404-213 集成速度控制 具有广泛的燃油限制设置
The Woodward model 8404-213 is ProAct integrated speed Control, which is the PISC III actuator. This model is part of the ProAct and ProAct Plus actuator and drive family and can be used with many different drives, namely the 8235-360, 8235-350 and 8235-351 models. Between the PISC III actuator and the above parts, the total weight is nearly eighty pounds, so be careful when installing both. Therefore, the PISC III model can only be mounted on the base to avoid unnecessary stress on both units.
The 8404-213 model has a wide range of fuel limit Settings, including but not limited to transient fuel limit time, steady state fuel limit, and run time fuel limit. There are also many different modes in the run time fuel limit Settings, which are as follows: boost fuel limit, no, transient and non-transient run time fuel limit, and run time fuel limit curve. If there is a speed-based curve that determines the fuel limit percentage, this is called the run time fuel limit curve.
The main manual used with the 8404-213 is the 26246 ProAct ISC Integrated Speed Control actuator Type I to Type IV, and since this manual covers all actuator types in the ProAct family, there is no manual that can use specific parts.
Model 8404-213 has A current capacity of 15 A and a fusing fast fusing of 20 A. Please note that the fusing of the input power supply is essential to ensure that there are no hazards, such as damage to the control valve, personal injury, and explosion in dire circumstances.
8404-213 集成速度控制 具有广泛的燃油限制设置
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