Woodward 8404-204 执行器和驱动器 直流电的电压源
伍德沃德型号 8404-204 是专为 ProAct 和 ProAct Plus 执行器和驱动器系列设计的 PISC II 型号。 与之前的型号 PISC I 一样,该型号也可以安装在底座上或阀法兰上。 该装置能够以任何姿态安装,但仍需要将 M8 螺钉拧紧至 200 lb-in。
8404-204,PISC 型号 II,在 18 至 32 伏直流电的电压源下工作。电源与所有其他PISC型号相同,但工作电流容量不同。该型号的电流容量为 15 A。 请注意,如果使用电池作为工作电源,则需要电池充电设备或交流发电机来保持稳定的电源电压tage.为 8404-204 型号接线时,请注意避免任何潜在危险,例如电击或潜在的过热。
8404-204 型号与以下 PISC ITB 型号一起使用:8235-305、8235-198。 835-361、8235-337 和 8235-339。 当模型处于低电压时,ProAct ISC 将无法满足最大扭矩输出或瞬态响应时间。该型号的瞬态启动时间将在 8-40 V 的范围内,该启动时间将持续约一分钟。
Woodward 8404-204 执行器和驱动器 直流电的电压源
The Woodward Model 8404-204 is a PISC II model designed specifically for the ProAct and ProAct Plus actuator and drive families. Like the previous model PISC I, this model can also be mounted on the base or on the valve flange. The device can be installed in any position, but still requires the M8 screw to be tightened to 200 lb-in.
8404-204, PISC Model II, operates at a voltage source of 18 to 32 volts direct current. The power supply is the same as all other PISC models, but the operating current capacity is different. The current capacity of this model is 15 A. Note that if a battery is used as a working power supply, a battery charging device or alternator is required to maintain a stable supply voltage tage. When wiring model 8404-204, take care to avoid any potential hazards, such as electric shock or potential overheating.
The 8404-204 model is used with the following PISC ITB models: 8235-305, 8235-198. 835-361, 8235-337 and 8235-339. When the model is at low voltage, the ProAct ISC will not be able to meet the maximum torque output or transient response time. The transient start time of this model will be in the range of 8-40 V, and this start time will last about one minute.
Woodward 8404-204 执行器和驱动器 直流电的电压源
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