8235-371 具有集成节气门体 具有嵌入式执行器
伍德沃德 ProAct/ProAct Plus 执行器和驱动器型号 8235-371 是 P 系列 III 装置。P 系列 III 型号确实具有集成节气门体。该型号被设计为节气门,具有嵌入式执行器,用于在与气体发动机一起使用时节流空气或节流燃料/空气。由于该型号是直接取代传统节流阀而生产的,因此执行器和阀门本身之间不需要连接。
8235-371 型号设计为底座安装,但在某些情况下可以法兰安装。当模型被法兰安装时,需要评估振动水平,以确保所连接的组件上只有较低的应力水平。安装时,需要 .5 mm 的最小间隙,如果支架和电子外壳相互接触,隔离功能将被破坏,并可能阻碍电子元件的运行以及电子元件的使用寿命。
在操作期间,8235-371 型号的温度范围应为 -40 至 85 摄氏度或 -40 至 185 华氏度。任何高于或低于列出的温度都会导致错误和极端危险。 为确保将伤害降至最低,请穿戴防护装备,以防止发生任何伤害或可能的住院治疗。
8235-371 具有集成节气门体 具有嵌入式执行器
The Woodward ProAct/ProAct Plus actuator and driver model 8235-371 is a P Series III device. The P Series III model does have an integrated throttle body. This model is designed as a throttle valve with embedded actuators for throttling air or throttling fuel/air when used with a gas engine. Since this model is produced as a direct replacement for conventional throttle valves, no connection is required between the actuator and the valve itself.
Models 8235-371 are designed for base mounting, but can be flanged in some cases. When the model is flanged, vibration levels need to be assessed to ensure that there is only a low stress level on the attached component. When installed, a minimum clearance of.5 mm is required, and if the bracket and the electronic housing are in contact with each other, the isolation function will be broken and may hinder the operation of the electronic components as well as the service life of the electronic components.
During operation, models 8235-371 should have a temperature range of -40 to 85 degrees Celsius or -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. Any temperature above or below the listed temperature will result in error and extreme danger. To ensure that injuries are kept to a minimum, wear protective gear to prevent any injuries or possible hospitalization.
8235-371 具有集成节气门体 具有嵌入式执行器
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