8235-370 Woodward P 系列 II 控制器
伍德沃德 ProAct/ProAct Plus 执行器和驱动器系列型号 8235-370 是 P 系列 II 控制器。操作该型号时,它将在 5.2 BAR.A 的绝对最大工作压力下运行。 该型号没有集成节气门体 (ITB) 或集成速度控制 (ISC),但在机械上仍然与具有节气门体的相同。操作本机时,请确保模型未达到最高温度,如果达到最高温度,则有发生爆炸的危险。
操作 8235-370 型号时可能会发生一些错误,例如调速器系统故障。有关调速器系统故障的错误通常发生在安装过程中,在执行任何类型的调整之前,仔细检查所有接线连接、电源和执行器是明智的。 如果在安装过程中未拆下节流阀,节流阀也可能导致控制问题。压力调节器、点火条件、燃油供应和化油器可能会出现问题,这可能看起来像调速器问题。
8235-370 Woodward P 系列 II 控制器
The Woodward ProAct/ProAct Plus actuator and driver series model 8235-370 is a P Series II controller. When operating this model, it will operate at an absolute maximum operating pressure of 5.2 BAR.A. This model does not have an integrated throttle body (ITB) or integrated speed control (ISC), but is still mechanically identical to one with a throttle body. When operating this machine, make sure that the model is not at the maximum temperature, if it is the maximum temperature, there is a risk of explosion.
Some errors may occur when operating the 8235-370 model, such as a malfunction of the governor system. Errors regarding governor system failures usually occur during installation, and it is wise to double-check all wiring connections, power supplies, and actuators before performing any type of adjustment. The throttle can also cause control problems if it is not removed during installation. Problems can occur with pressure regulators, ignition conditions, fuel supply, and carburetors, which may look like governor problems.
8235-370 Woodward P 系列 II 控制器
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