8235-366 执行器 模型允许标称行程旋转 75 度
8235-366 型号由科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的伍德沃德公司生产,作为 ProAct 和 ProAct Plus 执行器和驱动器的一部分。该型号是 P 系列 II ITB 型号。该模型允许标称行程旋转 75 度。该型号设计为具有 120 的公称管道尺寸阀门。在确定需要什么阀门尺寸时,需要一个特定的方程式,该方程式可以在伍德沃德 26265 手册的第二页顶部找到。除了管道尺寸外,还需要一个特定的流量系数,这些信息可以在图1-1中找到,该图也位于第二页。
8235-366 型及其 P 系列 ITB II 型号安装在阀法兰上。安装时,请确保连接的硬件和支架能够承受节气门组件的重量,并承受与发动机安装相关的振动。
操作 8235-366 型号时最好使用的手册是 26265 PISC 和 P 系列 85/95/105/120/135 mm ITB 和 P 系列位置控制器手册 26578,不幸的是,26578 手册很难找到,因此 26265 手册是操作此型号时唯一可以使用的手册。
8235-366 执行器 模型允许标称行程旋转 75 度
Models 8235-366 are manufactured by the Woodward Company of Fort Collins, Colorado as part of the ProAct and ProAct Plus actuators and drives. This model is a P Series II ITB model. The model allows a nominal stroke rotation of 75 degrees. This model is designed with 120 nominal pipe size valves. When determining what valve size is required, a specific equation is required, which can be found at the top of page 2 of the Woodward 26265 manual. In addition to the pipe size, a specific flow coefficient is required, and this information can be found in Figure 1-1, which is also located on page 2.
Model 8235-366 and its P Series ITB II are mounted on the valve flange. When installing, make sure that the connected hardware and brackets can withstand the weight of the throttle assembly and the vibrations associated with engine installation.
The best manual to use when operating the 8235-366 model is 26265 PISC and P Series 85/95/105/120/135 mm ITB and P Series Position Controller manual 26578, unfortunately the 26578 manual is hard to find, Therefore, the 26265 manual is the only manual that can be used when operating this model.
8235-366 执行器 模型允许标称行程旋转 75 度
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