8235-365 其执行器包括 PWM 输入控制 集成速度控制
ProAct 和 ProAct 执行器和驱动器型号 8235-365 与 P 系列 II 执行器配合使用。这是该系列中的第一款 P 系列型号。虽然 8235-365 型号是 P 系列型号,但它在机械上仍然与 PISC ITB 型号相同。有一本标有 26578 的 P 系列手册可用于 8235-365 型号,但目前很难找到。
与该系列中的许多型号类似,8235-365 型号的标称管道尺寸为 105。虽然人们会认为 Cv 为 105 mm 的型号会大于 Cv 为 95 mm,但事实恰恰相反,Cv 为 85 或 95 mm 的型号比 Cv 为 105 mm 的型号具有更新的阀门配置。 如果您对如何获得 CV 有疑问,请参阅 26265 PISC 和 P 系列手册的第二页。
如果在 8235-365 型号运行期间发生连接的调速器错误,您可以采取几个故障排除步骤。请注意,如果您试图纠正任何负载问题或发动机调速器调整不及时,则在涉及不当操作时可能会增加更多问题。
8235-365 其执行器包括 PWM 输入控制 集成速度控制
ProAct and ProAct actuator and driver models 8235-365 are used with P Series II actuators. This is the first P Series model in the series. Although model 8235-365 is a P Series model, it is still mechanically identical to the PISC ITB model. There is a P Series manual labeled 26578 available for the 8235-365 model, but it is currently difficult to find.
Similar to many models in the series, the 8235-365 model has a nominal pipe size of 105. While one would think that a model with a Cv of 105 mm would be larger than a Cv of 95 mm, the opposite is true, and models with a Cv of 85 or 95 mm have an updated valve configuration than those with a Cv of 105 mm. If you have questions about how to get your CV, please refer to page 2 of the 26265 PISC and P Series manual.
If a connected governor error occurs during the operation of the model 8235-365, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take. Be aware that if you try to correct any load problems or the engine governor is not adjusted in a timely manner, you may add more problems when it comes to improper operation.
8235-365 其执行器包括 PWM 输入控制 集成速度控制
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