8235-337 集成式速度控制节气门体 高温轴承
ProAct 和 ProAct Plus 执行器和驱动器型号 8235-337 由位于科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的伍德沃德公司生产。该型号是集成节气门体,具有电动执行器,用于气态发动机类型的节气门空气或燃料/空气。
该模型可以配置为比例执行器,其中可以禁用速度控制功能。正常管道尺寸(DN)应为95,绝对工作压力为25摄氏度。操作 8235-337 型号时,最大流量介质温度应为 401 华氏度(205 摄氏度)。
8235-337 型号专门设计用于直接取代传统的节气门值,因为不再需要执行器和阀门之间的这种连接。与 8235-337 型号一起使用的执行器型号是 PISC II 执行器。
ProAct ISC 集成速度控制执行器 I 型至 IV 型 26246 手册详细介绍了该型号的 PISC II 型号的信息。PISC II 型号专门设计用于安装在阀法兰上。该型号的功率读数应至少为 15 A。与其他PISC型号相比,PISC II型号的扭矩输出也不同,II型的瞬态扭矩输出为46 lb-in,连续扭矩输出为23 lb-in。
8235-337 集成式速度控制节气门体 高温轴承
The ProAct and ProAct Plus actuators and drives model 8235-337 are manufactured by Woodward Corporation of Fort Collins, Colorado. This model is an integrated throttle body with electric actuators for gas engine type throttle air or fuel/air.
The model can be configured as a proportional actuator where the speed control function can be disabled. Normal pipe size (DN) should be 95 with an absolute working pressure of 25 degrees Celsius. When operating model 8235-337, the maximum flow medium temperature should be 401 degrees Fahrenheit (205 degrees Celsius).
Models 8235-337 are specifically designed to directly replace traditional throttle values, as such connections between actuators and valves are no longer required. The actuator type used with model 8235-337 is the PISC II actuator.
The ProAct ISC Integrated Speed Control Actuator Type I to IV 26246 manual details the PISC II model for this model. The PISC II model is specifically designed for mounting on valve flanges. The power reading for this model should be at least 15 A. The torque output of the PISC II model is also different compared to other PISC models, with 46 lb-in transient torque output and 23 lb-in continuous torque output.
8235-337 集成式速度控制节气门体 高温轴承
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