Woodward 8235-305 集成节流体 用于控制流量输出
伍德沃德的 8235-305 ProAct 和 ProAct Plus 驱动器和执行器型号主要用于控制流量输出,此功能通过蝶阀完成。该模型旨在最大限度地减少充气燃料/空气混合物的泄漏。该型号专门设计用于气体或柴油发动机。该模型的尺寸是针对特定流量设计的,该模型的流量将为 85 摄氏度。
8235-305 型号在操作时使用 PISC II 执行器。该模型将取代任何在控制策略中需要更大灵活性的模型,其中之一是空闲/额定动态。该型号将直接取代任何传统节流阀型号,更换不需要执行器和阀门之间的任何类型的联动。
连接 8235-305 型号时,重心距气门孔中心线的大致位置应不大于或小于 139 毫米。如果您的型号出现故障并导致调速器无法正常工作,请查看重新校准 8235-305 型号的可能性。如果出现任何其他故障排除错误,请参阅 26265 ProAct 用户指南中的第三章。
ProAct 集成节流体 (ProAct ITB) 是由 ProAct™ 执行器电动驱动的蝶阀,用于控制流量输出。这些 ProAct ITB 的孔径范围为 85 mm 至 180 mm,设计用于
1 MW 至 2 MW 范围内的发动机。这是一款行程为 75 度的电磁执行器,可缓解与燃气发动机连杆相关的问题(例如设置、非线性和磨损)。
Woodward 8235-305 集成节流体 用于控制流量输出
Woodward's 8235-305 ProAct and ProAct Plus drive and actuator sizes are primarily used to control flow output, which is done via butterfly valves. The model is designed to minimize leakage of the aerated fuel/air mixture. This model is specifically designed for gas or diesel engines. The size of the model is designed for a specific flow rate, which will be 85 degrees Celsius.
Models 8235-305 operate with PISC II actuators. This model will replace any model that requires greater flexibility in the control strategy, one of which is idle/rated dynamics. This model will directly replace any conventional throttle model and the replacement does not require any type of linkage between the actuator and the valve.
When connecting model 8235-305, the center of gravity should be no greater than or less than 139 mm from the center line of the valve hole. If your model fails and causes the governor to not work properly, check out the possibility of recalibrating the model 8235-305. If any other troubleshooting errors occur, refer to Chapter 3 in the 26265 ProAct User Guide.
The ProAct Integrated Throttle (ProAct ITB) is a butterfly valve electrically driven by a ProAct™ actuator to control flow output. These ProAct ITBs have apertures ranging from 85 mm to 180 mm and are designed for use
Engines in the 1 MW to 2 MW range. It is an electromagnetic actuator with a stroke of 75 degrees that alleviates problems associated with gas engine linkages (such as setup, nonlinearity and wear).
The direct combination of throttle and actuator provides excellent stability and transient characteristics without the need for hydraulic, pneumatic or governor gear trains. As a result, you end up with a throttle option that is efficient, long-lasting, and easy to install.
No connecting rod or coupling
Cost effective and efficient
Low maintenance cost
No hydraulic, pneumatic or governor gear train required
Durable, easy to install throttle options
Includes integrated speed controller
The system is designed for direct replacement of conventional throttle valves without the need for a connection between valve and actuator.
Woodward 8235-305 集成节流体 用于控制流量输出
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