Woodward 8200-225 伺服位置控制器 定位比例伺服阀
8200-225 伺服位置控制器 (SPC) 型号由伍德沃德公司制造,充当伺服阀驱动器,配备大多数燃气/蒸汽轮机燃料控制系统所需的精度、冗余和响应时间。该装置可以接受来自 DeviceNet 位置需求信号的标准连接,也可以接受基于 4 至 20 mA 范围内的标准连接。这种连接使 8200-225 型号能够准确定位比例伺服阀和积分伺服阀。
8200-225 采用标准直流电源输入设计,至少需要 18 Vdc 至最大 32 Vdc。允许的最大连续电流为 1.1 请注意,标准环境规格适用于此型号,工作温度范围为 -40 至 70 摄氏度。 您可以将 8200-225 型号连接到 DeviceNet 端口或服务端口。请务必注意,当您将控制器连接到 DeviceNet 端口时,DeviceNet 上的节点隔离读数为 500 Vrms,除此之外的任何事情都可能导致您的控制器无法正常工作。
8200-225 型可用于四种不同的操作模式,其中一种模式是校准模式。校准模式的一个特点是执行器位置(气动或液压)会根据固定电流的力而变化,唯一不会改变位置的时间是在通过校准方法的验证部分时。
Woodward 8200-225 伺服位置控制器 定位比例伺服阀
The 8200-225 Servo Position Controller (SPC) model, manufactured by Woodward and available from a variety of new surplus and refurbished used stock from AX Control Incs, acts as a servo valve driver equipped with the precision, redundancy and response time required for most gas/steam turbine fuel control systems. The device can accept standard connections from DeviceNet location demand signals or based on standard connections in the 4 to 20 mA range. This connection enables the 8200-225 model to accurately position proportional and integral servo valves.
The 8200-225 uses a standard DC power input design that requires a minimum of 18 Vdc to a maximum of 32 Vdc. The maximum allowable continuous current is 1.1 Please note that standard environmental specifications apply to this model and the operating temperature range is -40 to 70 degrees Celsius. You can connect the 8200-225 model to a DeviceNet port or a service port. It is important to note that when you connect the controller to the DeviceNet port, the node isolation reading on the DeviceNet is 500 Vrms, anything other than that can cause your controller to not work properly.
The Model 8200-225 can be used in four different operating modes, one of which is the calibration mode. A characteristic of the calibration mode is that the actuator position (pneumatic or hydraulic) changes according to the force of the fixed current, and the only time the position does not change is when passing the verification part of the calibration method.
Woodward 8200-225 伺服位置控制器 定位比例伺服阀
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