Woodward 8200-224 伺服位置控制器 单个直流设备的反馈信号
控制器 8200-224 标记为伍德沃德伺服位置控制器 (SPC) 系列。8200-224 型号的主要目的是将两个不同的执行器放在一起,通常这些执行器是气动或液压的。请注意,当您为设备供电时,成功为控制器供电所需的电压应为 18 至 32 Vdc,要使您的控制器以最佳性能运行,您通常应以 24 Vdc 为控制器供电。
在使用设备时,必须考虑 8200-224 型号运行期间所需的所有电气规格,例如,对于标准热负荷,该型号的功耗通常为 20 W。 还需要特定的环境因素来防止您的控制出现潜在故障,例如,湿度系数应为 95% 冷凝。
使用控件时,请具体说明控件所处的操作模式,因为有四种模式可用于工作,这四种模式如下:校准、运行、配置和手动行程模式。如果您已将控制器连接到 DeviceNet 端口,则可以根据控制系统的要求更改模式。
8200-224 可以提供所需的精度、响应时序和冗余功能,以集成到燃气轮机或蒸汽轮机燃料阀控制中。8200-224 可以接受和处理来自一个或两个冗余交流设备或单个直流设备的反馈信号。
Woodward 8200-224 伺服位置控制器 单个直流设备的反馈信号
Controller 8200-224 is labeled the Woodward Servo Position Controller (SPC) series. The main purpose of the 8200-224 model is to put two different actuators together, usually these actuators are pneumatic or hydraulic. Note that when you power your device, the voltage required to successfully power your controller should be 18 to 32 Vdc, and for your controller to operate at its best performance, you should typically power your controller at 24 Vdc.
When using the equipment, all the electrical specifications required during the operation of the model 8200-224 must be taken into account, for example, the power consumption of the model is usually 20 W for standard thermal loads. Specific environmental factors are also required to prevent potential failure of your controls, for example, the humidity factor should be 95% condensation.
When using the control, specify the mode of operation the control is in, because there are four modes that can be used to work, which are as follows: Calibration, Run, Configuration, and manual travel mode. If you have your controller connected to the DeviceNet port, you can change the mode according to the requirements of your control system.
The 8200-224 provides the precision, response timing and redundancy required to be integrated into gas or steam turbine fuel valve control. The 8200-224 can accept and process feedback signals from one or two redundant AC devices or a single DC device.
Woodward 8200-224 伺服位置控制器 单个直流设备的反馈信号
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