9907-838 负载分配模块 提供多种功能
该装置被归类为伍德沃德负载分配模块的一部分,编号为 9907-838。9907-838 LSM 型号旨在为其所连接的工业发电机系统提供多种功能和调节功能。该装置配备了同步和下垂负载分配。同步负载分配能够为发电机提供其负载的调整,即使两个或多个发电机并联。当同时实现空载和满载条件时,Dropop 负载均分配能够降低输出。
指定的满载条件为 3 到 7 ARms。9907-838 装置配备直流电源,电压范围在 18 到 32 V/DC 之间,最小到最大。该装置的环境规格使其工作温度范围在 -40 至 70 摄氏度或 -40 至 158 华氏度之间。它能够在 11 毫秒的锯齿脉冲下抵抗高达 40 G 的冲击。
9907-383 采用一组标准尺寸设计,便于安装到可接受的装置中。长度为 10.77 英寸,宽度为 8.43 英寸,高度为 2.33 英寸。该装置的大约重量约为 3 磅。将本机安装在无湿度区域以及主要无尘区域至关重要。
9907-838 负载分配模块 提供多种功能
The unit is classified as part of the Woodward Load Distribution Module and is numbered 9907-838. The 9907-838 LSM model is designed to provide a variety of functions and regulatory capabilities for the industrial generator systems to which it is connected. The unit is equipped with synchronous and droop load distribution. Synchronous load distribution provides generators with an adjustment of their load, even if two or more generators are connected in parallel. Dropop load sharing reduces output when both no-load and full-load conditions are achieved.
The specified full load conditions are 3 to 7 ARms. The 9907-838 unit is equipped with a DC power supply with a voltage range between 18 and 32 V/DC, from minimum to maximum. The unit's environmental specifications allow it to operate in a temperature range of -40 to 70 degrees Celsius or -40 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit. It is capable of resisting up to 40G of shock at a sawtooth pulse of 11ms.
The 9907-383 is designed with a set of standard sizes for easy installation into acceptable devices. It measures 10.77 inches in length, 8.43 inches in width and 2.33 inches in height. The approximate weight of the device is about 3 pounds. It is essential to install the unit in non-humid areas as well as in major dust-free areas.
9907-838 负载分配模块 提供多种功能
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