Woodward 9905-796 微处理器技术的同步和负荷控制器
Woodward DSLC™是基于微处理器技术的同步和负荷控制器,它适用于配备Woodward或其它兼容调速系统和兼容自动调压器的三相交流发电机组。DSLC是同步器,负荷传感器,负荷控制器,无压母线断路器关断器,无功/功率因数和过程控制器,所有的这些功能均集成与一个控制器中。
DSLC控制器提供了相角匹配或频率匹配的自动同期功能。确保无压母线的安全关断。如果DSLC与自动调压器相连,则并车时电压应该是匹配的。 DSLC感应实时均方根功率值,并且提供无中断加减载功能。DSLC可以设定为基载模式或并网电能输入/输出模式。通过LON网络可在多机间实现负荷分配功能。保持功率因数的控制功能。通过LON网络,在孤立应用中功率因数也是可以在多机间分配,即无功功率分配。这项控制功能要比使用droop有差或交叉电流实现分配的精度要高的多。
• 减少同步器、负荷分配器和自动负荷控制器间的接线功能集成减少了传感器 (像PTs、CTs、和MOP)的重复使用。
• 手持编程器的使用,使用户在起机前即可对控制器编程
• 手持编程器可对发电机参数、开关量状态和模拟量状态进行监控。同时可进行故障排除。
• 减少控制柜的空间
• 减少无压母线操作所需附加的PLC和继电器逻辑。
• 通过LON进行通讯,减少负荷分配线上的电磁干扰
Woodward 9905-796 微处理器技术的同步和负荷控制器
Woodward DSLC™ is a microprocessor-based synchronization and load controller for three-phase AC generator sets equipped with Woodward or other compatible speed control systems and compatible automatic voltage regulators. DSLC is a synchronizer, load sensor, load controller, no-voltage bus breaker shut-off, reactive/power factor and process controller, all of which are integrated into one controller.
The DSLC controller provides automatic synchronization for phase Angle matching or frequency matching. Ensure the safe closure of the non-pressure bus bar. If the DSLC is connected to an automatic regulator, the voltage should be matched during parallel operation. DSLC senses real-time RMS power values and provides uninterrupted load and load loading. DSLC can be set to base load mode or grid-connected power input/output mode. The LON network enables load distribution among multiple machines. Maintain power factor control function. With LON networks, the power factor can also be distributed among multiple machines in isolated applications, i.e. reactive power distribution. This control function is much more accurate than the distribution achieved using droop differential or cross current.
• Reduced wiring between synchronizers, load dividers, and automatic load controllers Integration reduces reuse of sensors such as PTs, CTs, and MOP.
• The use of a handheld programmer allows users to program the controller before starting the machine
• Handheld programmer monitors generator parameters, switching state and analog state. Troubleshooting is also possible.
• Reduce control cabinet space
• Reduce additional PLC and relay logic required for no-voltage bus operation.
• Communication via LON reduces electromagnetic interference on load distribution lines
Woodward 9905-796 微处理器技术的同步和负荷控制器
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