Woodward 8280-418 单引擎推进装置 用于船舶推进
伍德沃德州长的 8280-418 是一种单引擎推进装置,用于控制和管理往复式发动机; 汽油、柴油或双燃料。该系列的这一特定版本用于船舶推进,并获得了DNV(挪威船级社)的船舶应用认证。它符合温度等级 B、湿度等级 A、振动等级 B、EMC 等级 A 和外壳等级 B DNV 标准。最先进的应用软件确保设备在购买后能够尽快运行。监视窗口或控制视图 PC 界面提供了一种全面、整体的方法,用于对 8280-418 设备进行设置、编程和故障排除。
该特定设备是该系列的低速、低电压版本。寻找该系列更高速度版本的用户应考虑 8280-419 单引擎单元或双引擎 8280-423。8280-418 数字控制单元提供两种不同的串行接口,允许 RS-232、RS-422 或 RS-485 通信。它还可以使用LON(本地操作网络)进行通信,从而实现数字通信。
最后,8280-418 设备包括自诊断功能,可以评估设备的完整性。内存、处理器和电源都可以由设备进行评估,以减少故障排除和考虑维护计划所花费的时间。
Woodward 8280-418 单引擎推进装置 用于船舶推进
Governor Woodward's 8280-418 is a single-engine propulsion unit designed to control and manage reciprocating engines; Gasoline, diesel or dual fuel. This particular version of the series is used for Marine propulsion and is certified for Marine applications by DNV (Norwegian Classification Society). It complies with DNV standards for temperature Class B, humidity Class A, Vibration Class B, EMC Class A and Housing Class B. The most advanced application software ensures that the equipment will be running as soon as possible after purchase. The Monitor Window or Control View PC interface provides a comprehensive, holistic approach to setting up, programming, and troubleshooting the 8280-418 device.
This particular device is a low-speed, low-voltage version of the series. Users looking for a higher-speed version of the series should consider the 8280-419 single-engine unit or the twin-engine 8280-423. The 8280-418 digital control unit offers two different serial interfaces that allow RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 communication. It can also communicate using LON (Local Operation Network), enabling digital communication.
Finally, the 8280-418 device includes a self-diagnostic function that can assess the integrity of the device. Memory, processors, and power supplies can all be evaluated by the device to reduce the time spent troubleshooting and considering maintenance plans.
Woodward 8280-418 单引擎推进装置 用于船舶推进
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