8280-1109 调节发动机转速和负载 控制离合器功能
第 8280-1109 部分设计用于双引擎(柴油发动机)船舶应用,以调节发动机转速和负载,并控制离合器功能。这是一款伍德沃德 723PLUS 数字船用速度控制型号,适用于需要机械扭矩共享(使用 LonWorks 通信)的船舶应用。
机械扭矩共享是通过匹配扭矩传感器输入来完成的,这些输入具有扭矩传感器故障模式。723PLUS 型号 8280-1109 允许在离合器操作期间对两个发动机进行单节气门操作,并具有离合器控制和允许逻辑。
8280-1109 控制器拥有先进的速度感应算法,通过使用两个磁性拾取器 (MPU) 或接近开关,可以实现冗余速度信号。
部件 8280-1109 的输入电压范围为 18–40 Vdc。该控制器位于金属外壳中,应安装在受保护的位置,在操作期间保持 –40 至 +158 °F 的温度范围(储存期间为 –67 至 +221 °F)。此控件的软件参数使用 Watch Window 软件(基于 PC,部件号 8923-932)或伍德沃德手持式编程器(部件号 9907-205)进行设置。为此,8280-1109 上有三个串行端口。
这款伍德沃德 723PLUS 船用控制器已通过 UL 认证,符合 I 类 2 区 A、B、C 和 D 组标准,并通过了 CSA 认证并符合 CE 标准。有关认证和列表的更多信息,请参阅伍德沃德 723PLUS 数字船用控制安装和操作手册技术手册 26482。
8280-1109 调节发动机转速和负载 控制离合器功能
Part 8280-1099 is a control model in the Woodward 723PLUS series. This model is the 723PLUS standard generator control for LON load distribution. The 8280-1099 unit features speed control (synchronization and descent), load sharing control via traditional load sharing lines, and load sharing control via LON communication with up to two connected circuit breakers.
The device monitors engine speed through a two-speed sensor input. These inputs can be passive or active, using magnetic pickers (MPU) or proximity switches. There are 4 analog inputs on the 8280-1099, 8 of which are analog input signals for this 723PLUS controller. Analog input signals include remote speed setpoints (4-20 mA), load limiter inputs (4-20 mA), reactive power inputs, etc.
In addition to analog inputs, the controller has four analog outputs (19 analog output signals) and eight discrete inputs (10 discrete input signals). All of these I/ OS can be mapped to Modbus addresses, allowing them to be sent from external systems (DCS or PLCS).
Discrete outputs can be assigned to any of the 4 leds and/or any of the 3 discrete outputs on this control. The Woodward 723PLUS standard Generator Control LON Load Distribution Manual 91623 provides additional information about the I/O and defined signals of the 8280-1099 control unit.
The Woodward 723PLUS controller has six fuel limiters: load limiter input, fuel limiter input, maximum actuator, starting fuel limiter, charge air pressure fuel limiter, and jump and rate limiter. These restrictors are used to prevent overloading or over-fueling.
8280-1109 调节发动机转速和负载 控制离合器功能
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