Woodward 8440-3003 控制型号 具有专用继电器功能
控制型号 8440-3003 是伍德沃德公司 easYgen-100 系列的一部分。当涉及到需要发电机组控制器时,这种控制模型基本上是一体化的。该控制器的主要功能之一是断路器和发动机接口的专用继电器。该控制器不仅具有专用继电器功能,还具有在待机操作以及租赁电源操作中远程和手动启动/停止的功能。
8440-3003 型号提供 easYgen-400、easYgen-600 和 easYgen-800 型号,可满足您对此特定控制的任何需求。当谈到 8440-3003 控制器上的端子数量时,这取决于您使用的 easYgen 型号,easYgen-400 型号配备 36 个端子,easYgen-600 型号配备 44 个端子,easYgen-800 型号配备 62 个端子,每个端子都有特定的用途,电缆不应错误地连接到端子。
为了保护发动机的所有形式的控制装置,每个控制装置都配备了曲柄断开和速度信号。每个 easYgen 型号都配有一个事件记录器,但 easYgen-400 和 easYgen-600 最多只能保存 50 个事件,而 easYgen-800 内部可以保存 99 个事件,但由于 easYgen-800 型号包含 SD 卡,因此可以保存扩展数据以保存在控制操作期间发生的事件。
Woodward 8440-3003 控制型号 具有专用继电器功能
The control model 8440-3003 is part of Woodward's easYgen-100 family. When it comes to the need for a generator set controller, this control model is essentially integrated. One of the main functions of the controller is the circuit breaker and special relay for the engine interface. The controller not only has a dedicated relay function, but also has the ability to start/stop remotely and manually in standby operation as well as in rental power operation.
The model 8440-3003 is available in easYgen-400, easYgen-600 and easYgen-800 models to meet any of your needs for this particular control. When it comes to the number of terminals on your 8440-3003 controller, it depends on the easYgen model you use, the EasyGEN-400 model comes with 36 terminals, the EasyGEN-600 model comes with 44 terminals, and the EasyGEN-800 model comes with 62 terminals. Each terminal has a specific purpose and the cable should not be incorrectly connected to the terminal.
To protect all forms of engine control, each control is equipped with crank disconnect and speed signals. Each easYgen model is equipped with an event recorder, but the EasyGEN-400 and EasyGEN-600 can only store up to 50 events, while the EasyGEN-800 can store 99 events internally, but since the EasyGEN-800 model includes an SD card, the EasyGEN-800 can store up to 99 events. Extended data can therefore be saved to store events that occur during control operations.
Woodward 8440-3003 控制型号 具有专用继电器功能
TRICONEX 4119A | Triconex DCS | 卡件 | BENTLY 3500/45 P/N140072-04 | 通讯模件 | Bently Nevada |
7400206-100 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入模块 | BENTLY 3500/45 176449-04 | 光电转换器 | Bently Nevada |
7400209-010 | Triconex DCS | 分布式I/O模块 | BENTLY 3500/45140072-04 | 操作面板 | Bently Nevada |
7400213-100 | Triconex DCS | 伺服电机 | BENTLY 3500/45-01-00 | 变频器 控制板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 4508I/O | Triconex DCS | 扩展/RXM机架电源 | BENTLY 3500/45-01 | 位移传感器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8307A | Triconex DCS | 扩展/RXM机架电源 | BENTLY 3500/45 176449-04 | 机器人IO模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8305A | Triconex DCS | 控制器 | BENTLY 3500/45 140072-04 | 焊接机器人柜外围信号接线 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8302A | Triconex DCS | 双动作切换模块 | BENTLY 3500/45 | 通道位移监测器模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX MP2101 | Triconex DCS | 控制器 | BENTLY 3500/44M | 逆变器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX MP6004 | Triconex DCS | DC/DC 转换器 | BENTLY 3500/42 MNSFP350042M | 机器人轴基板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX PM6301A | Triconex DCS | PLC 模块 | BENTLY 3500/42M-01-00 | 计时器模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8306AI/O | Triconex DCS | 卡件 | BENTLY 3500/42M 176449-02 | 伺服电枪 | Bently Nevada |
MP 3008 ITCC | Triconex DCS | 焕尧机电 | BENTLY 3500/42M 138708-01 | I/O模块 | Bently Nevada |
4000093-310 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入端子板 | BENTLY 3500/42M 128229-01 | 8通道数字输入 | Bently Nevada |
4000056-002 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入模块 | BENTLY 3500/42M | MBF板 | Bently Nevada |
4000094-310 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入端子板 | BENTLY 3500/42140471-01 | 接口模件 | Bently Nevada |
4000103-510 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入端子板 | BENTLY 3500/42-09-00 | 16通道数字输出模件 | Bently Nevada |