9907-250 执行器连接到电线端子 WOODWARD
伍德沃德部分 9907-250 系列 2301A 负载分配和速度控制。速度选择范围为 500-12,000 Hz,用于分体轴/尾轴发动机。
9907-250 是一个控制模块,可用于处理负载分配和速度控制。关于安装带有变矩器的发动机,以及分轴燃气轮机。两个控制单元用于最大限度地提高效率,因为有很多任务会使单个控制器单元过载。例如,证明这一点的最佳方法是,如果只有一个控制单元,则在响应角色变化时是不够的。此外,当仅控制隔离负载的速度时,可能会发生很大的不稳定性,从而存在使原动机超速的危险,这可能是故障的原因。
9907-250的一些需要注意的功能如下。首先要注意的是磁性拾音器或MPU,它连接两个速度控制装置,进而控制燃料流量。此外,还有一个速度传感器,可确保单元内的屏蔽与作为 MPU 一部分的所有其他导体绝缘。执行器连接到电线端子 20(+) 和 21(-),其时间常数兼容性范围为 0-500 ms。 9907-250 的振动为 4Gs,达到 5-500 Hz。此外,还有从500-12,000Hz的广泛速度选择。
9907-250 执行器连接到电线端子 WOODWARD
Woodward Part 9907-250 Series 2301A Load distribution and speed control. Speed options range from 500 to 12,000 Hz for split shaft/stern shaft engines.
The 9907-250 is a control module that can be used to handle load distribution and speed control. About installing an engine with a torque converter, as well as a split-shaft gas turbine. Two control units are used to maximize efficiency, as there are many tasks that would overload a single controller unit. For example, the best way to prove this is that if there is only one control unit, it is not enough in response to role changes. In addition, when only the speed of the isolated load is controlled, great instability can occur, thus there is a danger of overspeeding the prime mover, which may be the cause of the failure.
Some of the features of the 9907-250 that need attention are as follows. The first thing to note is the magnetic pickup, or MPU, which connects two speed controls that in turn control the fuel flow. In addition, there is a speed sensor that ensures that the shielding within the unit is insulated from all other conductors that are part of the MPU. The actuators are connected to wire terminals 20 (+) and 21 (-) with a time constant compatibility range of 0-500 ms. The 9907-250 has a vibration of 4Gs, reaching 5-500 Hz. In addition, there is a wide range of speed options from 500-12,000Hz.
9907-250 执行器连接到电线端子 WOODWARD
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