9907-023 内置保护功能 WOODWARD
伍德沃德型号 9907-023 系列 2301A 负载分配和速度控制。允许单执行器或双执行器安装,符合欧盟指令。
9907-023 负载分配和速度控制 (LSSC) 控制台适用于发电机系统,特别是在需要多单元负载共享的情况下。它们可用于使用各种不同燃料的多种不同发动机。此外,它们还可以与蒸汽轮机和燃气轮机很好地配合使用。控制可用于以下原因:单个或多个执行器安装、速度范围、双向作用模型和下垂/同步速度控制。此外,还有其他几个功能需要注意,包括但不限于:低压和高压型号、符合欧盟指令、四个开关可选速度范围和启动燃油限制。
它还带有一些内置保护功能。具有内置的射频干扰和电磁干扰能力。另一件事是 9907-023 的设计使燃料使用量与所需的扩散/负载成正比。有两种不同的速度选项,无论是处理同步模式还是下垂模式,具体取决于您的喜好。9907-023 LSSC 是 AX Control 的众多机械部件之一,我们完全能够在维修、购买、销售和转售方面为您提供帮助。
9907-023 内置保护功能 WOODWARD
Woodward Model 9907-023 Series 2301A Load Distribution and speed control. Allows single or dual actuator installation, in line with EU directives.
The 9907-023 Load Distribution and Speed Control (LSSC) console is suitable for generator systems, especially where multiple unit load sharing is required. They can be used in many different engines using a variety of different fuels. In addition, they work well with steam and gas turbines. The control can be used for the following reasons: single or multiple actuator mounting, speed range, two-way action model, and droop/synchronous speed control. In addition, there are several other features to note, including but not limited to: low and high pressure models, compliance with EU directives, four switch selectable speed ranges and starting fuel limits.
It also comes with some built-in protection features. Built-in RF interference and electromagnetic interference capabilities. Another thing is that the 9907-023 is designed so that the amount of fuel used is proportional to the diffusion/load required. There are two different speed options, whether it's handling sync mode or droop mode, depending on your preference. The 9907-023 LSSC is one of the many mechanical components of AX Control and we are perfectly able to help you with repairs, purchases, sales and resales.
9907-023 内置保护功能 WOODWARD
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