9907-020 SPM-A 同步器 WOODWARD
伍德沃德零件 9907-020 系列 2301A 负载分配和速度控制。可以使用并联速度开关,并与零件一起处理导出/导入速度控制。
9907-020是伍德沃德负载分配和速度控制(LSSC)系列的一部分。因为它也与分轴燃气轮机隔离变矩器的装置和发动机一起工作并配备了设备。与其他 2391A 伍德沃德机器一样,9907-020 是为处理分轴涡轮机而设计的,而其他机器则不适合此类任务。仅监控速度是不明智的,因为它将面临联轴器失败的风险,并使启动成为一项艰巨的任务。
伍德沃德 SPM-A 同步器
回到速度的主题,9907-020的速度控制一半,它充当限制器,确保动力装置不使用超速。它还为发动机或气体压缩机配备了磁性拾音器(MPU)系统。其中它连接与执行器相关的速度控制。这反过来又控制流量燃料。完成所有这些操作后,执行器能够处于正位置,使燃料使用量达到维持隔离负载速度所需的最期望量。AX Control INC.完全有能力并愿意购买,出售,维修和转售这台机器以及许多其他机器,以满足您的工厂车间需求。
9907-020 SPM-A 同步器 WOODWARD
Woodward Part 9907-020 Series 2301A Load Distribution and speed control. Parallel speed switches can be used and export/import speed control handled with the part.
The 9907-020 is part of the Woodward Load Distribution and Speed Control (LSSC) family. Because it also works with and is equipped with the device and engine of the split shaft gas turbine to isolate the torque converter. Like other 2391A Woodward machines, the 9907-020 is designed to handle split-shaft turbines, while other machines are not suited to such tasks. It is unwise to monitor only the speed, as it will run the risk of coupling failure and make starting a difficult task.
Another feature of LSSC is its ability to add:
Woodward SPM-A synchronizer
Parallel phase switch
Process and import/export control
Returning to the subject of speed, the 9907-020's speed control half acts as a limiter, ensuring that the power unit does not use overdrive. It is also equipped with a magnetic pickup (MPU) system for the engine or gas compressor. Where it is connected to the speed control associated with the actuator. This in turn controls the flow of fuel. After all this is done, the actuator can be in a positive position so that the fuel usage is the most desired amount needed to maintain the isolated load speed. AX Control INC. is fully capable and willing to buy, sell, repair and resell this machine and many others to meet your plant floor needs.
9907-020 SPM-A 同步器 WOODWARD
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