9907-019 WOODWARD 低压型号 控制单元
伍德沃德零件 9907-019 系列 2301A 负载分配和速度控制。CE认证的低压反向作用型号,需要屏蔽电缆。
控制单元 9907-019 是低压型号,工作电压为 20-40 Vdc,该型号已通过 CE 认证,在 0-200 的执行器电流下运行,不提供减速斜坡,是一个单独的执行器系统,并且也是反向作用的。
9907-019 WOODWARD 低压型号 控制单元
Woodward Part 9907-019 Series 2301A Load Distribution and speed control. CE certified low-voltage reverse action models require shielded cables.
The control unit 9907-019 is a low-voltage model with an operating voltage of 20-40 Vdc, this model is CE certified, operates at 0-200 actuator current, does not provide deceleration ramp, is a separate actuator system, and is also reverse-acting.
Since this control acts in reverse, it is important to note that when dealing with starting fuel adjustments, they often require a complete loss of fuel at the loss of a speed signal to allow the backup governor control system to disconnect the starting fuel limit by turning the starting fuel's potentiometer completely counterclockwise if needed. Note that when speed signal loss occurs, the controller positions the actuator at the fuel start level. When the prime mover starts, observe how long it takes for the prime mover to start, the overshoot of the speed setting, and the emission of smoke. Starting fuel potentiometers can be adjusted as needed to increase the characteristics of prime mover starting.
During operation, always check that all devices are properly connected and that the chassis or any shielding cables are not damaged. If the shielded wire is damaged, do not attempt to repair or solder the wire yourself, and if there is any damage to the wire, the wire must be replaced.
9907-019 WOODWARD 低压型号 控制单元
TRICONEX 8110 | Triconex DCS | DI卡件 | BENTLY 3500/93-02-02-02-00 | 励磁GDI板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8111 | Triconex DCS | 主处理器模块 | BENTLY 3500/93-01-00-00-00 | IGBT模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX DI3301 | Triconex DCS | 变频器模块 | BENTLY 3500/93 135799-01 | 直线位移传感器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3503EN | Triconex DCS | 数字输入模块 | BENTLY 3500/93 135785-01 | DI/DO控制卡 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 8311N | Triconex DCS | 电源模件 | BENTLY 3500/93 | PC板通信适配器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3708EN | Triconex DCS | 系统模块 | BENTLY 3500/92136180-01 | 比较器模拟开关 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX DEMO | Triconex DCS | 服务器 | BENTLY 3500/92-04-01-00 | 可编程DCS控制模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX DO3401 | Triconex DCS | PLC 模块 | BENTLY 3500/92-02-01-00 | 模拟量输入模件 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 4211 | Triconex DCS | 控制器模块 | BENTLY 3500/92-01-01-00 | DCS系统控制器单元 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3000510-180 | Triconex DCS | PLC模块卡件 | BENTLY 3500/92-01-01 | PLC控制器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3806E | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入模块 | BENTLY 3500/92 | CPU模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3636T | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入端子板 | BENTLY 3500/90 | 智能面板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3625C1 | Triconex DCS | 数字量输出卡件 | BENTLY 3500/77M | 高压变频器主板接口板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 9566-810 | Triconex DCS | 双数字输出模块 | BENTLY 3500/72M | 控制系统 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 4000163-510 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入端子板 | BENTLY 3500/70M | 气体分析仪 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 4000103-510 | Triconex DCS | 控制器 | BENTLY 3500/65-01-00 | 余压控制器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 4000094-110 | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输入端子板 | BENTLY 3500/65 | 电气交流接触器 | Bently Nevada |