9905-022 低压型号 WOODWARD 单独执行器
伍德沃德零件 9905-022 2301A 负载分配和速度控制。以 0-400 mA 的致动器电流运行,需要 0.9 的最小功率因数。
9905-022 Woodward 2301 系列负载共享和速度控制型号是另一种低压型号。该型号是正向作用的单独执行器型号,执行器电流为 0-400 mA。如果使用速度微调设备,则必须移除控制器上安装的出厂跳线。从不使用低压型号上的端子 0。
当使用 N1 防止速度控制和负载分配中断初始设置时,控制短路到端子 2 到 2。使用 N1 时,这同样适用于防止控件中断控制到端子 <> 到 <> 的短路。当使用 N<> 关闭端子 <> 覆盖损耗时,要覆盖 N<> 关闭端子 <> 上的速度信号以覆盖损耗。
9905-022 低压型号 WOODWARD 单独执行器
Woodward part 9905-022 2301A Load distribution and speed control. Operating with an actuator current of 0-400 mA requires a minimum power factor of 0.9.
The 9905-022 Woodward Series 2301 load Sharing and Speed Control model is another low-voltage model. This model is a forward acting individual actuator type with an actuator current of 0-400 mA. If a speed trimmer is used, the factory jumper installed on the controller must be removed. Terminal 0 on low-voltage models is never used.
If the phase on this model is off, the phase correction procedure must be performed and the minimum power of the operation must be 0.9; If this is not possible, tracking is the only way to correct the phase of the current transformer. The power to the prime mover must be turned off to perform transformer phase correction, and each CT wire must be labeled with possible polarity and phase, which must be used to identify the wire even if the initial polarity and phase are incorrect.
When using N1 to prevent speed control and load distribution from interrupting initial Settings, the control shorted to terminals 2 to 2. When using N1, the same applies to preventing the control from interrupting control of short circuits to terminals <> to <>. When N<> closing terminal <> coverage loss is used, the speed signal on N<> closing terminal <> is overwritten to cover the loss.
When unpacked, in use, or near the controller, do not remove the board unless absolutely necessary, and if necessary, make sure to touch only the edges and not any electrical conductivity.
9905-022 低压型号 WOODWARD 单独执行器
TRICONEX 3805E | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输出模块 | BENTLY 330980-71-05 | AI模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 4351B | Triconex DCS | 处理器模块 | BENTLY 3309807005 | 变频器信号采样板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3004 | Triconex DCS | 输出模块 | BENTLY 330980-70-00 | 红外线点温计 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 8110 | Triconex DCS | 高密度主机箱 | BENTLY 330980-51-05 | I/O 电源 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 4211 | Triconex DCS | 远程扩展器模块 | BENTLY 330980-51-00 | 励磁系统电源模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3502E | Triconex DCS | 数字输入模块 | BENTLY 330980-50-05 | 控制屏 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3805H | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输出模块 | BENTLY 330980-50-00 | 主控制板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3601E | Triconex DCS | 数字输出模块 | BENTLY 3309300650205 | 位移变送器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3501E | Triconex DCS | 数字输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-065-02-00 | 无刷励磁系统 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3601E | Triconex DCS | 数字输出模块 | BENTLY 3309300650000 | 直流调速器控制板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3703E | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-045-01-00 | 控制器专用电池 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3700A | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-045-00-05 | 接口 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3511 | Triconex DCS | 输入脉冲模块 | BENTLY 330930-040-01-00 | 张力控制系统功率板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3664 | Triconex DCS | 数字量输出模块 | BENTLY 3309300400100 | 电池电路板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3451 | Triconex DCS | 模拟输出模块 | BENTLY 330930-040-00-CN | 直流调速器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3511 | Triconex DCS | 输入脉冲模块 | BENTLY 3309300400005 | 温度传感器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 4119A | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-040-00-00 | DCS卡件底座 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONE 8312 | Triconex DCS | 电源模块 | BENTLY 330910-05-10-02-00 | 空虚模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3451 | Triconex DCS | 处理器模块 | BENTLY 330910-05-09-10-01-CN | 通讯接口 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 9563-810 | Triconex DCS | 数字输入终端面板 | BENTLY 330909-00-80-10-02-00 | 通信模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3700 | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 3309082135100200 | 继电器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3636R | Triconex DCS | 数字继电器输出模块 | BENTLY 330906-02-12-05-02-00 | 高压电器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3601E | Triconex DCS | 输出模块数字 | BENTLY 330905-00-07-10-02-CN | 冗余电源模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3703E | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330905-00-03-10-02-CN | 主控板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3701 | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 3309020095100200 | 可燃气体泄漏探测器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3625 | Triconex DCS | 输出模块数字24VDC | BENTLY 3309020095050200 | 整流器 | Bently Nevada |
PR6480/001-100 | EPRO | 前置器及传感器 | BENTLY 3309020040100200 | 接口板 | Bently Nevada |