8272-608 负载分配和速度控制 WOODWARD
伍德沃德零件 8272-608 系列 2301A 负载分配和速度控制。电源不需要来自配电点,部件经过 CSA 认证,主要速度控制为 N2。
8272-608 型号来自伍德沃德公司 2301A 系列负载分配和速度控制。该型号附带的独特控制装置用于为驱动发动机负载的安装提供负载分配和速度控制,这些负载通过变矩器和分轴燃气轮机隔离。
产生电力输出的装置可以使用 2301A 速度控制和 2301A 速度和负载控制。在双速控制之间使用串联提供了低信号选择功能;主要控制是N2上的速度控制。气体发生器或发动机上的速度控制起到限制器的作用,可防止设备要求超速。
发电应用的使用通常仅限于燃气轮机。由于 2301A 负载分配和速度控制装置具有多种辅助动力功能,因此该装置是控制 N2 涡轮机的标准选择。8272-608 速度控制与 N1 燃气轮机一起使用,8272-609 用于 N2 涡轮机。 使用负载分配和速度控制 8272-608 允许自动发电机加载和自动同步。
10 至 40 Vdc 电源通过专用于调速器的电线提供。在任何情况下都不应从配电点取电;两个控件都不能使用单个电源。如果将电池用作工作电源,则绝对需要交流发电机或其他电池充电装置来保持稳定的电压。
8272-608 负载分配和速度控制 WOODWARD
Woodward Parts 8272-608 Series 2301A Load Distribution and speed control. Power does not need to come from the distribution point, the components are CSA certified and the main speed control is N2.
Model 8272-608 is from Woodward's 2301A series load distribution and speed control. The unique controls included with this model are used to provide load distribution and speed control for the installation of driving engine loads, which are isolated by torque converters and split-shaft gas turbines.
Devices that generate electrical output may use 2301A speed control and 2301A speed and load control. The use of series between the two speed controls provides a low signal selection function; The main control is the speed control on N2. The speed control on the gas generator or engine acts as a limiter to prevent the device from requiring excessive speed.
The use of power generation applications is usually limited to gas turbines. Because the 2301A load distribution and speed control unit has a variety of auxiliary power functions, this unit is the standard choice for controlling N2 turbines. The 8272-608 speed control is used with the N1 gas turbine and the 8272-609 for the N2 turbine. Using load distribution and speed control 8272-608 allows automatic generator loading and automatic synchronization.
Power from 10 to 40 Vdc is provided through wires dedicated to the governor. Under no circumstances should electricity be taken from distribution points; Neither control can use a single power source. If the battery is used as a working power source, an alternator or other battery charging device is absolutely necessary to maintain a stable voltage.
8272-608 负载分配和速度控制 WOODWARD
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TRICON 3700A | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-045-00-05 | 接口 | Bently Nevada |
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PR6480/001-100 | EPRO | 前置器及传感器 | BENTLY 3309020040100200 | 接口板 | Bently Nevada |