9907-347 具有热更换模块 断电跳闸超速保护系统
伍德沃德的ProTech 203 9907-347通过模块化设计显示每个速度探头和在线测试的实际速度。该系列具有热更换模块
如果您正在寻找断电跳闸超速保护系统,Woodward ProTech 203 系列超速保护器件具有许多可用选项,可与各种电源组合兼容。该设备名为 ProTech 型号 9907-347,是 24 Vdc 版本之一。该系统中的每个速度感应单元都有一个单独的电源。
由于这是一个断电跳闸系统,因此如果此 ProTech 203 超速保护系统断电,则会启动投票继电器。每个速度感应单元驱动两个投票继电器。这些装置采用经过 NEMA 4 和 4X 认证(北美)和 IP54 等级(欧洲)的外壳。
如果 9907-347 型安装在产生电磁干扰的设备(例如高压或大电流设备)附近,则可能需要使用双屏蔽线或其他预防措施。有关此预防措施和其他预防措施的更多信息,请参阅伍德沃德ProTech 203超速保护系统手册85206。
机柜前面板有三个操作界面,每个单元一个。双行 LCD 显示 9907-347 可调参数,例如跳闸速度设定点和 MPU 故障超时。当前速度是第一个显示的,其余的则使用屏幕下方的触摸板循环浏览。
如果发生错误或任何需要注意的事件,液晶屏将显示错误代码。某些情况(如 MPU 故障或 CPU 故障)将触发 LED 指示灯亮起。还有一个报警输出,用于指示跳闸装置。
9907-347 具有热更换模块 断电跳闸超速保护系统
Woodward's ProTech 203 9907-347 displays the actual speed of each speed probe and online test through a modular design. The series has a hot replacement module
If you are looking for a power-off trip overspeed protection system, the Woodward ProTech 203 series overspeed protection devices have many options available and are compatible with a variety of power supply combinations. The device is named ProTech Model 9907-347 and is one of the 24 Vdc versions. Each speed sensing unit in the system has a separate power supply.
Since this is a power-off trip system, the voting relay will be activated if the ProTech 203 overspeed protection system loses power. Each speed sensing unit drives two voting relays. These units come in NEMA 4 and 4X certified (North America) and IP54 rated (Europe) enclosures.
If Model 9907-347 is installed near devices that generate electromagnetic interference, such as high voltage or high current devices, it may be necessary to use double shielded wires or other precautions. For more information on this and other precautions, see Woodward ProTech 203 Overspeed Protection System Manual 85206.
The cabinet front panel has three operation screens, one for each unit. The two-line LCD displays 9907-347 adjustable parameters such as trip speed set points and MPU fault timeouts. The current speed is displayed first, and the rest is cycled through using the touchpad at the bottom of the screen.
If an error occurs or any event that requires attention, the LCD displays an error code. Certain conditions, such as MPU failure or CPU failure, will trigger the LED indicator to light up. There is also an alarm output to indicate the trip device.
9907-347 具有热更换模块 断电跳闸超速保护系统
TRICONEX 3805E | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输出模块 | BENTLY 330980-71-05 | AI模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 4351B | Triconex DCS | 处理器模块 | BENTLY 3309807005 | 变频器信号采样板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3004 | Triconex DCS | 输出模块 | BENTLY 330980-70-00 | 红外线点温计 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 8110 | Triconex DCS | 高密度主机箱 | BENTLY 330980-51-05 | I/O 电源 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 4211 | Triconex DCS | 远程扩展器模块 | BENTLY 330980-51-00 | 励磁系统电源模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3502E | Triconex DCS | 数字输入模块 | BENTLY 330980-50-05 | 控制屏 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3805H | Triconex DCS | 模拟量输出模块 | BENTLY 330980-50-00 | 主控制板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3601E | Triconex DCS | 数字输出模块 | BENTLY 3309300650205 | 位移变送器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3501E | Triconex DCS | 数字输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-065-02-00 | 无刷励磁系统 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3601E | Triconex DCS | 数字输出模块 | BENTLY 3309300650000 | 直流调速器控制板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3703E | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-045-01-00 | 控制器专用电池 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3700A | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-045-00-05 | 接口 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3511 | Triconex DCS | 输入脉冲模块 | BENTLY 330930-040-01-00 | 张力控制系统功率板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3664 | Triconex DCS | 数字量输出模块 | BENTLY 3309300400100 | 电池电路板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3451 | Triconex DCS | 模拟输出模块 | BENTLY 330930-040-00-CN | 直流调速器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3511 | Triconex DCS | 输入脉冲模块 | BENTLY 3309300400005 | 温度传感器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 4119A | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330930-040-00-00 | DCS卡件底座 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONE 8312 | Triconex DCS | 电源模块 | BENTLY 330910-05-10-02-00 | 空虚模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3451 | Triconex DCS | 处理器模块 | BENTLY 330910-05-09-10-01-CN | 通讯接口 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 9563-810 | Triconex DCS | 数字输入终端面板 | BENTLY 330909-00-80-10-02-00 | 通信模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3700 | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 3309082135100200 | 继电器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3636R | Triconex DCS | 数字继电器输出模块 | BENTLY 330906-02-12-05-02-00 | 高压电器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3601E | Triconex DCS | 输出模块数字 | BENTLY 330905-00-07-10-02-CN | 冗余电源模块 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3703E | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 330905-00-03-10-02-CN | 主控板 | Bently Nevada |
TRICON 3701 | Triconex DCS | 模拟输入模块 | BENTLY 3309020095100200 | 可燃气体泄漏探测器 | Bently Nevada |
TRICONEX 3625 | Triconex DCS | 输出模块数字24VDC | BENTLY 3309020095050200 | 整流器 | Bently Nevada |
PR6480/001-100 | EPRO | 前置器及传感器 | BENTLY 3309020040100200 | 接口板 | Bently Nevada |