9907-149 电子超速跳闸装置 通过三个磁性拾音器
9907-149 伍德沃德的 ProTech 203 电子超速跳闸装置,通过三个磁性拾音器 (MPU) 感应原动机速度。
ProTech 型号 9907-149 是 120 Vac/dc 设备。该系统中的三个速度感应单元中的每一个都有一个单独的电源。这是该伍德沃德超速保护装置模块化设计的一部分,可实现热更换单个单元和测试单个单元等功能,而无需使原动机脱机。
型号 9907-149 中的速度感应单元 A、B 和 C 是相同的。除了具有单独的电源外,这些装置还具有单独的操作员界面和警报系统。这三个单元配置为三分之二的投票方法。在此硬件投票之前,这三个单元独立运行,使用磁性拾音器(MPU)监控原动机速度并单独执行速度计算。
跳闸速度设定点(250 rpm 至 25,000 rpm)
MPU 齿轮齿(20 至 120)
MPU 失败超时(1 秒到 533 分 20 秒)
MPU 失效设定点(100 rpm 至 25,000 rpm)
MPU 故障跳闸
如果速度< MPU 失败设定点,则发出警报
当设备处于 MONITOR 模式时,这些参数以及当前速度、峰值速度、灯测试和跳闸原因都可以在设备操作员界面上查看。当前速度是显示的默认第一个参数。
Woodward ProTech 型号 9907-149 的外壳已通过 NEMA 4 和 4X 认证(欧洲为 IP54)。手册 85204(修订版 G)是此设备的手册。
9907-149 电子超速跳闸装置 通过三个磁性拾音器
9907-149 Woodward's ProTech 203 electronic overspeed trip device senses prime mover speed via three magnetic pickups (MPUs).
ProTech Model 9907-149 is a 120 Vac/dc unit. Each of the three speed sensing units in the system has a separate power supply. This is part of the modular design of the Woodward Overspeed protection device, which enables functions such as hot replacement of individual units and testing of individual units without taking the prime mover offline.
The speed sensing units A, B, and C in Model 9907-149 are identical. In addition to having a separate power supply, these units have a separate operator interface and alarm system. These three cells are configured with a two-thirds voting method. Prior to this hardware vote, the three units operated independently, using magnetic pickups (MPUs) to monitor the prime mover speed and perform speed calculations separately.
The three units that make up ProTech Model 9907-149 must be programmed using the same jump point. The program mode is accessible via key switches connected to all three units. Due to the modular design of the Woodward system, the units are individually programmed.
Tunable parameters are set when the unit is in program mode. These parameters are:
Trip speed set points (250 rpm to 25,000 rpm)
MPU gear teeth (20 to 120)
MPU failure timeout (1 second to 533 minutes 20 seconds)
MPU failure set points (100 rpm to 25,000 rpm)
The MPU fails to trip
The timer starts when it is reset
An alert is issued if the speed < MPU failure set point
When the device is in MONITOR mode, these parameters, along with the current speed, peak speed, light test, and trip cause, can be viewed on the device operator interface. The current speed is the default first parameter displayed.
The housing of Woodward ProTech model 9907-149 is NEMA 4 and 4X certified (IP54 in Europe). Manual 85204 (Revision G) is the manual for this equipment.
9907-149 电子超速跳闸装置 通过三个磁性拾音器
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