9905-998 数字超速跳闸设备 WOODWARD
ProTech 203 数字超速跳闸设备,通过三个磁性拾音器 (MPU) 感应原动机速度。伍德沃德型号 9905-998
磁性拾音器(MPU)监控伍德沃德ProTech超速保护模型中的原动机速度。每个单元都与不同的速度感应单元接口,单元 A、B 和 C。这些 MPU 可以设置为 100 rpm 到 25,000 rpm 的失败设定点范围,以及 1 秒到 533 分 20 秒的失败超时范围。
MPU 和三个速度检测单元每 5 ms 对原动机速度进行采样。如果硬件三分之二的投票确定满足超速条件,则会激活跳闸继电器。该断电跳闸系统的总响应时间最长为 40 ms。 单元 A、B 和 C 位于锁定外壳中, 当使用可选的不锈钢轮毂时,该外壳已通过 NEMA 4X 认证。每个单元都有自己的 24 Vdc 电源。
ProTech 型号 9905-998 具有许多功能,包括:
热更换 – 无需使原动机离线即可更换单个单元
内置自检 – 原动机在线时可以测试单个单元
操作员界面 – 每个速度感应单元一个
LED 指示灯 – 单独的 LED 指示设备跳闸、MPU 故障或 CPU 故障
远程复位 – 单元 A、B 和 C 可以从远程位置复位
限制对程序模式的访问 – 通过使用位于锁定外壳内的钥匙开关,设备在监视器模式和程序模式之间切换
伍德沃德ProTech手册85196详细介绍了 9905-998型超速保护功能,包括通过操作员界面键盘和LCD实现的所有功能。
9905-998 数字超速跳闸设备 WOODWARD
The ProTech 203 digital overspeed trip device senses the prime mover speed via three magnetic pickups (MPUs). Woodward model 9905-998
The magnetic pickup (MPU) monitors the prime mover speed in the Woodward ProTech overspeed protection model. Each unit interfaces with A different speed sensing unit, units A, B, and C. These MPUs can be set to a failure set point range from 100 rpm to 25,000 rpm, and a failure timeout range from 1 second to 533 minutes and 20 seconds.
The MPU and three speed detection units sample the prime mover speed every 5 ms. If a two-thirds vote of the hardware determines that the overspeed condition is met, the trip relay is activated. The total response time of the power-off trip system is up to 40 ms. Units A, B and C are located in a locking housing that is NEMA 4X certified when using optional stainless steel wheels. Each unit has its own 24 Vdc power supply.
ProTech Model 9905-998 has many features, including:
Hot replacement - Individual units can be replaced without taking the prime mover offline
Built-in self-test - Individual units can be tested when the prime mover is online
Operator interface - one per speed sensing unit
LED Indicator - Individual leds indicate device trip, MPU failure, or CPU failure
Remote reset - Cells A, B, and C can be reset from a remote location
Restrict access to program mode - The device switches between monitor mode and program mode by using a key switch located inside the lock housing
The Woodward ProTech manual 85196 details the overspeed protection features of the Model 9905-998, including all the features achieved through the operator interface keyboard and LCD.
9905-998 数字超速跳闸设备 WOODWARD