9905-995 激活跳闸继电器 监控原动机速度
伍德沃德 ProTech 9905 系列的通电 995-203 装置。显示每个测速探头的实际速度、最高速度信号,以及采用模块化设计的在线测试功能。
此伍德沃德 ProTech 模型在通过三分之二的硬件投票检测到超速情况时激活跳闸继电器 。如果仅由三个速度感应单元中的一个检测到条件,则该单元将跳闸,但系统的其余部分保持在线。型号 9905-995 是该 ProTech 超速保护系列中的通电跳闸型号之一,因此在正常运行期间,投票继电器处于断电状态。
9905-995 超速保护装置必须安装在提供充分通风以进行冷却的位置,并且可以保持 –25 至 +60 °C 的工作温度范围。 该设备对振动和电磁干扰敏感,因此也应安装在可以防止大电流或高压设备的地方。有关型号 9905-995 的位置要求的全面了解,请参阅伍德沃德 ProTech 手册 85196。
三个相同的速度感应单元使用磁性拾音器(MPU)来监控原动机速度。每个单元都有自己的 24 Vdc 电源和自己的操作界面,配有 LCD、键盘、LED 指示灯和电位计。此接口是从编程到故障排除的所有内容发生的地方。
在正常操作期间,液晶屏显示用于监视每个单元的信息。如果发生错误,或者设备跳闸,液晶屏将显示错误代码。MPU 故障或 CPU 故障等事件也将触发 LED 指示灯。跳闸装置将激活 LED 和报警输出。
错误代码、可调参数和一般操作信息也在手册 85196 中。
9905-995 激活跳闸继电器 监控原动机速度
Powered 995-203 units from the Woodward ProTech 9905 series. Displays the actual speed of each probe, the maximum speed signal, and the modular design of the online test function.
This Woodward ProTech model activates the trip relay when overspeed is detected by two-thirds of the hardware voting. If a condition is detected by only one of the three speed sensing units, the unit will trip, but the rest of the system stays online. Model 9905-995 is one of the power-on trip models in the ProTech overspeed protection series, so the voting relay is powered off during normal operation.
The 9905-995 overspeed protection device must be installed in a location that provides adequate ventilation for cooling and can maintain an operating temperature range of -25 to +60 °C. The device is sensitive to vibration and electromagnetic interference, so it should also be installed where it can protect against high current or high voltage devices. For a complete understanding of the position requirements for Model 9905-995, please refer to Woodward ProTech manual 85196.
Three identical speed sensing units use magnetic pickups (MPUs) to monitor the prime mover speed. Each unit has its own 24 Vdc power supply and its own operating interface with LCD, keyboard, LED indicator and potentiometer. This interface is where everything from programming to troubleshooting happens.
During normal operation, the LCD displays information for monitoring each unit. If an error occurs, or the device trips, the LCD displays an error code. Events such as MPU failure or CPU failure will also trigger the LED indicator. The trip device will activate the LED and alarm output.
Error codes, tunable parameters, and general operating information are also in manual 85196.
9905-995 激活跳闸继电器 监控原动机速度
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