LENZE EPL-10200-XX 系统模块
LENZE EPL-10200-XX 系统模块
LENZE EPL-10200-XX 系统模块
plc开关量输出类型大致分为三种,继电器输出型、晶体管输出型和可控硅输出型. R-继电器;T-晶体管
LENZE EPL-10200-XX 系统模块晶体管输出(可分PNP、NPN型)优点是通断速度快(脉冲输出,适合高频),一般为0.2ms左右;寿命长;缺点是工作电压低(不能接市电);负载能力弱,300mA左右。
LENZE EPL-10200-XX 系统模块
LENZE EPL-10200-XX System module
plc switching output types are roughly divided into three types, relay output type, transistor output type and thyristor output type. R-relay; t-transistor
Relay output AC DC can be, the transistor common 5vdc and 24vdc output, thyristor is relatively rare, only special output models have.
Considering the type of output module selected, usually the relay output module has low price, wide voltage range (can be connected to the mains), large load capacity, small on-voltage drop, strong ability to withstand instantaneous voltage and overcurrent, but short life, long response time, slow action speed and so on.
LENZE EPL-10200-XX system module transistor output (can be divided into PNP, NPN type) advantage is fast on-off speed (pulse output, suitable for high frequency), generally about 0.2ms; Long life; The disadvantage is low working voltage (can not be connected to the mains); The load capacity is weak, about 300mA.
Thyristor output module is suitable for DC load, frequent switching, fast reaction speed, long life, low inductive power factor load, but the price is more expensive, the overload capacity is poor.
LENZE EPL-10200-XX 系统模块